1) Involvement in the Thief and Assassin guilds: I'm one of those apparently rare persons who derives no pleasure from criminal activity, even in a purely fictitious game setting. Those guilds therefore do not interest me in the least. Now, if the vanilla game had been more sophisticated ,or some ambitious modder took up the cause, my avatar would have willingly join either of those two organizations AS AN INFILTRATOR for, say, the Elder Council intent on bringing scum to justice.
2) The Adoring Fan: I remember first seeing web discussion of the Fan and thinking "Whoa... what is this? A mod? I've certainly experienced nothing like it in MY game!". As it turns out, I never met the fan because my avatar never finished the quest line that spawns him. During my first play-through, I abandoned the quest at its very end. Upon learning what must be done to earn its ultimate reward, I realized I didn't have the heart to do it, so simply walked away and never returned. This play-through, I totally forgot about the quest-line until too late for it to make sense for my avatar's to participate. Just as well really, since my stance on the final act hasn't changed.