Now there is still more "crime" in places like Boneyard, noted by Razz, but overall law, order and taxes has been brought to California so much so that the miners in Sloan wonder why they are in the Mojave and the NCR troopers constantly whine about being in the Mojave. Many places have been annexed, like New Reno, and it's implied that San Francisco has been as well. In fact Hanlon notes that California used to be full of slavers and despots but now that's not the case. The Veteran Rangers are tied down in Baja in some time of conflict "chasing ghost" that's been going on for a long time. Also given Moore is in the Mojave now and not fighting the BoS back west it can be extracted that the BoS has been thoroughly defeated with the Mojave Chapter probably a good guide into their fate.
From those accounts it seems obvious the NCR is also spreading (to a lesser extent) in other directions. But something else is happening, the NCR is destroying the environment around it. Hanlon is the only in game source I could find on this but the NCR has very few remaining lakes and aquafiers. People keep saying that California has historically supported more people but
A. That's because of the Hoover Dam and irrigation
B. That's also because of artificial recharging of aquafiers like water purification something we don't necessarily know happens in the NCR today
C. Ranching is very water intensive, think about that, if the NCR's primary agricultural produce is brahmin that takes a lot of water
The bottom line is the canon and fact of life for the NCR is that they don't have enough water for their people without the Hoover Dam. Past that the OSI guy, Thomas Hildren, notes the NCR is only 10 years away from a food shortage. Now the real question at this point is why? Why is the NCR on the path of food shortage? They've had the Hoover Dam for 6 years, all of that water has been following to California for 6 YEARS and yet under current projections they still face a food crisis. The question still remains why?
This is my answer. From Walter Phebus we learn that Brahmin Barons like Heck Gunderson force other ranchers off their land, further Gunderson has a virtual monopoly on all brahmin going east. Now from that information alone it's easy to picture this happening all over the NCR, with larger brahmin farmers suppressing competition in the market place, with that happening there is very little incentive for entrepreneurs to even try to get into the ranching market meaning two things are happening.
A. There is less and less competition
B. New entries are discouraged from trying ranching
But the situation get's even worse because the quality of the meat can easily decrease because of less competition meaning the standards of meat being produced is lessened every day. But it get's even better, with Barons effectively in a cartel over the beef market they have a noose over the NCR government. Much of the NCR's tax revenue probably comes from Barons, further for clothing, armor, food, etc the NCR military is dependent on Barons. With all of this influence Baron's back politicians according to Hanlon and the politicians help their interest, which is the preservation of their monopoly.
So with a cartel situation in the ranching business a ranch doesn't have to be efficient with the water it uses or even all that productive. That means massive amounts of water are wasted. But the incentive for innovation is non existent in farming now, with the most successful farmer/rancher the person who controls the most land, not who develops the best techniques, is heightened by the massive amounts of labor available which further stops innovation in the farming techniques.
So that's basically it, the NCR will starve unless the barons land is distributed, broken up or taken.
What do you think? What is life like in the NCR? What is it's future?