Sweet. But Im curious as to know what makes you like CL? They're the slavers of the west, right? I thought you were a pure Enclave kinda guy.
That's not me speaking; it's my New Vegas character.
He sees the NCR as weak and the Legion as the way forward since they have been very successful invading and taking whatever the hell they want. As Julius Ceasar himself said -- 'I came, I saw, I conquered'. That is a philosophy my NV charcter believes in. He also sees the useless as people who deserve to be enslaved so that they can work for people are NOT useless. In the case of the Legion, use them to make a powerful army.
I don't have an actual opinion on the Legion myself. Though, due to rain where I am, I've had nothing to do so I've beem thinking about my NV character.
With that said, I
AM an avid Enclave supporter. Heck, apart from Pistolero perhaps, I am the Enclave on these forums... or that's what I like to believe.