What inspired my latest character?

Post » Mon Mar 03, 2014 5:48 pm

A lot of my characters are just the result of daydreams and wandering ideas, but sometimes outside sources give me inspiration.

I've never made a Redguard before, but after watching Season 6 of Dexter (meh, first four seasons were better) I found myself really liking a character called Brother Sam, a former criminal who turned to religion and is now, well, a good guy. Brother Sam is an African-American and as such often attracts unwanted attention from the police and gangs because, y'know, Miami and racism and everything. So I decided to make a character that was religious and also pro-Empire (because his parents lived in Cyrodiil throughout the Great War) and despite fighting for the empire, he is the subject to a lot of abuse even from fellow servicemen who believe him to have a hidden agenda with the Empire because of Hammerfell.

So what inspired you?

P.S. title should say "What inspired your latest character." Silly me :P

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Tracey Duncan
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Post » Mon Mar 03, 2014 6:03 pm

Haha Brother Sam. Big Dexter fan here. That's an interesting build idea.

I've never really been inspired by real people or TV or movie characters to play in Skyrim. Really just writing back stories and seeing where it takes me. Keep us up to date with Brother Sam.
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Post » Mon Mar 03, 2014 2:52 pm

Can't say I've ever been inspired by an outside source when it comes to character creation.

Well.. Apart from Hagrid.
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Chloe Botham
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Post » Mon Mar 03, 2014 11:49 am

Most of my characters' races were just set on a whim.

With my Redguard, he started life as a DiD character, so my plan was to maximize his durability: smithed heavy armor, magical resistance, and a good follower at his side.

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Lory Da Costa
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Post » Mon Mar 03, 2014 6:46 am

Characters from other Games I have played, Books I have read, even Television.

My most recent character called Druin the Deep was inspired by CODA, and the Mod Dwemer Certified.

I have built characters around Mods, and specific Weapons in the Game. My first Dual Wielder found Okin and Eduj and survived by using a Scroll.

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Post » Mon Mar 03, 2014 1:57 pm

most of my characters, it not all are based around daydreams and whims. Or fictional work I wrote back in highschool. Sometimes however I might come across something with a character that's not something they would do because of their nature. So I write the idea down and flesh it out with another character perhaps.

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Hannah Barnard
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Post » Mon Mar 03, 2014 7:24 am

Conan the Barbarian ( movie 1982 ) ( just general concept of morality and abilities,nothing beyond that)

-joining the Empire or the Stormcloaks almost never has anything to do with what is best for Skyrim ,or what would be best against the Aldmeri Dominion.

-Since i started basing my characters around Conan i stopped joining the Dark Brotherhood(only in Skyrim).(NB)

-I always join the Thieves Guild and the Companions

-my characters(class wise) are as much as hybrid as possible,without ruining and overextending yourself.Mostly between warrior and thief,obviously

- I play almost always as Breton or Dunmer cus they fit my concept better compared to others.

I like orcs.,but i don't like playing as one ,because of the particularities of their lore.If orcs in Elder Scrolls were not so much connected with Mer,i would play orcs exclusively.

Aso i can hardly be a nord because Conan always adventured in foreign lands,not his own.Being an outsider also makes you not too much partial with the Civil War faction,which is also a goal of mine.

If a character of mine is going to exist beyond level 10 ,they have to have sneak and be like a thief or assassin in some way or another.I find the game pretty boring,without the stealth concept.Conan is an interesting way i can consolidate my likeness of stealth and being a ''hero dragonborn''.

(NB) which was very hard cus i love them,and always end up starting anew either because it was weird to be both the heroic Dragonborn and the Listener, or i missed them too much and felt uncomfortable having to kill them or ignore them. A Conan type character was a nice way of killing them or ignoring them and feeling authentic at the same time.

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Post » Mon Mar 03, 2014 8:02 am

Not very original, but I am really enjoying my first female character. A hot, total smart ass nord who lies, manipulates and and steals everything she gets her hands on.
I am sure Serana and her will get on like a house on fire when the finally meet.
And ysolda with her sneaky ways, will nicely complete the little trio
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Sara Johanna Scenariste
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Post » Mon Mar 03, 2014 6:32 am

Mine haven't really been inspired by any particular movie, game, etc. I usually just think of my own backstories and such for my characters, especially my main Mordecai.

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alicia hillier
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Post » Mon Mar 03, 2014 4:35 am

Conan The Barbarian magazines and the destroy evil mindset of the science fiction vampire western PRIEST.

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Marta Wolko
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Post » Mon Mar 03, 2014 6:38 pm

oh good points here. At least one of my characters was based off Conan and I will say a lot of inspiration in my earlier years writing and what not came from that world. "What is meaningful in life?" And the thieves guild/companions are a good conan basis.

Most of my characters end up as barbarian types.

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