» Tue May 07, 2013 11:03 am
None of the quests you do to buy land were added by Hearthfire, they have been there since the game was released back in 2011. After all this time if there were any bugs they are well and truly known. You cannot work out why you cannot buy land there are plenty of sources of info on how to http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Thane, you are just doing the Jarl's part of those same quests. And then once you are allowed to buy land, you ask the Steward to purchase it, same as you would ask the steward in any other hold to buy a house. If there is no steward, you ask the Jarl. If you think you are entitled ask both if nothing is happening.
As a last resort, go do the help the people quests and see if you can get the land by becoming Thane. You should not have to be Thane to buy the land, but sometimes it helps.