» Sat Jan 23, 2010 7:45 am
Each time I see some Juggalo here, I can't help but laugh at them because I think it's funny you calling yourselves outsiders. You guys are kinda funny, and for me, don't freak me out. I mean, I get that's your idea and all, but for most Juggalo's here in LA, it doesn't work. Specially where I live and what happens to them when they wear their makeup. Personally, I have no really big problem with you guys, you can do what you want, anytime you want. But there are those who act with a gang mentality, and hassle people. If it didn't go that far with some, I wouldn't have all that much of a problem with you. But even a punk like myself, doesn't see punks hassling people on the streets, or ever did.
It was always us getting hassled, and retaliating in some manner. But we never did it first, and when I hear about Juggalos doing the hassling first, I can't see them getting anymore respect than they deserve.