The concept is "PC games in general have started to increase to $60 this year." It's got nothing specifically to do with Skyrim, PC vs console, or Bethesda. It's a general industry trend that's been going since spring.
And yes - it's not being consistent between PC and consoles... but there are different market forces and decisions at work in those two cases. Console games will likely increase at in the next couple years, probably when the new gen comes out. And PC games won't increase at the same time. Because they're two different markets.
Yeah, I noticed EA was doing that with their games for PC: Dragon Age 2, Crysis 2, Battlefield 3, Mass Effect 3. What irked me is after the release they'll say "We're doing great sales, but it seems that sales are down on the PC from what we expected" I'm sure if they chose to make the console versions $72 each, they'd see a respective amount of declined purchases in consoles.
I understand inflation, but in the video game market, inflation has been across the board. It's never affected (as far as game pricing) just 1 platform. Especially when you see that many of today's PC versions of the game are getting WORSE treatment (porting rather than being developed for).
I guess what I can do is just wait for the title to go on sale. Luckily with as close to Christmas as this game is being released, I'm sure Steam will have it on sale for $49.99.
I would actually buy the game on Day 1 if I saw that all games went up in prices (because I know the game will be worth it) But since it wasn't a uniform increase, I'll just hold off.