I kept the answers short and simple, its Good, Grey, or Evil.
I vote Grey.
This is what you hope for, not what you predict.
I kept the answers short and simple, its Good, Grey, or Evil.
I vote Grey.
This is what you hope for, not what you predict.
same i vote grey, i want a brotherhood that dont want to care for the ppl, i understand why they did it on DC (only way to make sure Project Purity was possible) but now with the Instituted on the middle i want the old BoS back
Grey, make them like in the original games. But enable us to join them completely this time.
There should be no 'good' factions, and there should be very few factions that consider themselves 'evil' (or are too obvious about being 'evil').
I expect the 'good' factions to be all about helping the poor enslaved androids, while the 'evil' factions will not consider androids to be people deserving of rights; the BoS will certainly fall on the 'evil' side of that spectrum.
I like this, and climb up the ranks as well, indeed.
Grey. I'd prefer to see the Midwestern BoS, with their highly practical, yet stern military organization. Considering the date though, it very well could be Lyon's East Coast BoS.
There is no Black and White in the Apocalypse...
You do what you must and show no mercy.
I don't necessarily agree. This is the CW Brotherhood that saved unimportant, non-critical Wastelanders for no other reason than their Elder thought it the right thing to do. If the CWBoS has expanded the way I think they would of given a happy ending in FO3, they might be pretty quick to offer the Androids refuge; especially if they are skilled.
This has been known for a couple days, at least to me, but Skyrim is the same way. Do you think the Dark Brotherhood were good?
Do you think that necromancer cult in said cave was good?
Or how about that witch that was trying to sacrifice a random innocent human to become a Hag?
Their is Good and their is Evil in everything, and their is a Grey area. You don't need what is in that spoiler tag to tell you that.
The original doctrines of the Brotherhood of Steel are the reason that Lyon's broke off from the main BoS and fled East. Lyon's is good, every other BoS division is grey, The Enclave is Evil give or take, I mean I only give 3 options. Could the Enclave be more evil? Well yea of course, but they are not good.
I expect them to be gray, if only because the Player Character was killing them in the trailer. That suggests that certain decisions might make the BoS hostile towards you... and it is easy to see which: Commonwealth is supposed to be filled with some of the most advanced technology in the Fallout Universe and I can easily see even Lyon's BoS becoming ruthless in order to get their hands on this tech AND take it away from "primitives". If the player ends on good terms with Androids or Commonwealth, he would probably get on the bad side of BoS. Unlike the local of Capital Wasteland, the locals of Boston might have a reason to view BoS not as saviors but rather as invaders.
Achievement info:
No, Lyons did not flee east nor did he break away from BoS. Lyon was an official elder and lead a branch of BoS east to explore Washington. He only abandoned some of BoS laws when he arrived in Washington (which is why you have Outcasts there). And he even notified the rest of BoS about it and they allowed him to do whatever he wants (probably because they had better things to do, like wage war against the NCR).
However, it should be kept in mind that Elder Lyon was special. Most of his BoS did NOT follow his ideals so after he dies, they would become less of white knights (though still more open-minded than the rest of BoS).
Yes that is correct Akul about Lyon's not fleeing east or breaking away from the BoS until he arrived in Washington, along with the West Coast BoS leaving him alone.
You are not correct or wrong about what you have in that spoiler tag, but that alone does not confirm anything. Unless said subject did get leaked already which is possible, no one knows. It is likely CwBoS though I would agree.
Though if you take the confirmed leaked date for the start of the game away I would tell you it is very unlikely CwBoS, now it is who knows.
I think a lot of people will be voting grey. I also think they are right on the money with how the BOS will end up being presented in a little over a week.
There's just so much uniqueness to having a BoS empire stretching across the east coast. Almost everything in writing has been done before, but I can't quite think of a post-apocalyptic knighthood order with advanced technology conquering a empire to acquire as much shiny tech as possible being 100% similar to anything ive seen before.
Its basically Fallout: Tactics, but with the BoS on the east coast, and less edgy since they dont do the whole crucifixion thing.
Oh YES, it would be cool if Lyon's BoS forms their own Empire. The end of FO3 gives them a great opportunity to start it and I hope they are smart enough to use it. They would definitely be a more unique state than NCR and Legion, even more so if they become less nice (and they probably will).
Yeah I need to play Fallout Tactics one day. But every single time I boot it up it just feels so inferior to Jagged Alliance 2 1.13 in terms of turn based tactics stuff that when combined with its half-canon status I just haven't gotten past the first map.
Have got the midwestern BoS lore through some of the strategy game mods people have made, they seem like a good faction to have kicking around. If Lyon's BoS goes down that path infusing it with the propaganda image of them being white knights it would add a lot to them.
Yes indeed, exactly what I am hoping for as well. Well more realistically this is what I am hoping for anyway.
I still have hopes for MwBoS but that is a pipe dream.