In this thread I'm gonna make a list of what, in my humble opinion, should be kept from Crysis/Warhead/Wars and what should be kept from Crysis 2 to make a perfect Crysis 3.
- Unlocked developer console with access to ALL CVARS in Single Player
- Fully skippable cutscenes, all of them (CONFIRMED by Cry-Adam at Crydev)
- Better soundtrack and overall presentation
- All cutscenes are in-engine (except for the cinematic intro)
- Better moddability in general
- MUCH better Storytelling
- Soundtrack quality is more consistent
- Main character speaks (CONFIRMED)
- Better graphics quality and polish in general: Assets, textures...
- Better destruction
- Boids (CONFIRMED by several sources: Frogs and crocodiles at least)
- Smoother animations, both for the player and the environment/vegetation
- Larger levels
- Health Bar
- Quick-throw grenades
- Unrestricted weapon customization: Still haven't seen a laser on that SCAR Mod 2...
- Armor mode acts as a second health bar (CONFIRMED in Eurogamer gameplays)
- Faster speed (CONFIRMED only in multiplayer so far, Maximum Speed module)
- Less energy consumption for Strength Actions (CONFIRMED for Multiplayer: Unlimited)
- Extended inventory: Sidearms, two primaries, explosives, several grenade types...
- Bigger ammunition pool
- Omnidirectional sprinting
- Working Laser Sight: No scar+laser speed bug, no obnoxious aiming delay bug... (BEING WORKED ON according to Cry-Adam at Crydev)
- Prone
- Sprinting without suit energy (CONFIRMED unlimited sprint)
- Maximum Sprint with suit energy
- Sprinting is not interrupted by enemy fire in Multiplayer
- Can sprint while reloading: Couldn't do it in Crysis 2 SinglePlayer
- Overall snappier, more responsive controls: No weapon switching bug...
- Faster grabbing and throwing, for both enemies and objects
- Secondary objectives (CONFIRMED in interviews)
- Power Struggle
- Alien Weaponry (CONFIRMED)
- Tighter hipfire accuracy (CONFIRMED in Multiplayer at least)
- Vehicles: More of them, and also in Multiplayer.
- Better vehicle handling
- First person driving
- Enemies with uncovered faces for facial expressions
- Better AI
- Surprised reactions against superhuman feats: Becoming surprised by Maximum Sprints...
- MUCH better aliens: Both in gameplay and in "foreign feel"
- Punkbuster
- Better connectivity and less lag in general
- Better hit detection
- New CryEngine 3 features (CONFIRMED)
- Better cutscene character animation
- Selectable grenades (CONFIRMED by several gameplays)
- Streamlined suit controls/modes (CONFIRMED)
- NanoSuit Modules (CONFIRMED)
- Less energy consumption for Mobility actions (CONFIRMED, unlimited)
- Sliding (CONFIRMED)
- Ledge grabbing (CONFIRMED)
- Power Kick (CONFIRMED)
- Ripping stationary weapons (CONFIRMED)
- Tweaked level system (CONFIRMED in interviews: Most unlocks now front-loaded)
- Multiplayer challenges (CONFIRMED at least in the form of the New York Feed, unkown whether we will see Skill Assessments)