What kind of assassin are you?

Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 8:17 am

What kind of assassin are you?
  • What kind of weapons do you use? (Bow, sword, fire, etc)
  • What race do you play?
  • Do you use the roll-around perk in sneak?
  • Do you use poisons sometimes or very often?
  • Do you wear cloth or leather or heavy?
  • Do you use any perks that is completly away from the rest of your perks, melee versus magic. Such as you have leather, speech, sneaking then sword and destruction for traps perhaps?

I personally would be an assassin wearing cloth (not made one yet) that would use bow that was a Wood Elf, male of course.
Not sure about the rest, so far.

I guess Illusion could be nice to have aswell...
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:32 am

What kind of assassin are you?
  • What kind of weapons do you use? (Bow, sword, fire, etc)
    Primarily I use my Ebony Bow, Vladmir. I have an Ebony Dagger, Rex, who is able to capture souls with one-hit kills. I use him when I think I can get up close and personal, and need to recharge Vladmir's fire damage.
  • What race do you play?
    Khajiit. The obvious.
  • Do you use the roll-around perk in sneak?
    Haven't unlocked it, don't intend to. My Sneak is already 100, and I'm totally silent thanks to my boots - why would I need roll around? Slowly does it.
  • Do you use poisons sometimes or very often?
    Rarely, when there's a big enemy who needs defeating quickly coming up. I generally try to avoid it unless necessary, though a paralysis poison can be fun for people I particularly despise
  • Do you wear cloth or leather or heavy?
    Light. Cloth is too light, doesn't afford me the protection I need should things go wrong.
  • Do you use any perks that is completly away from the rest of your perks, melee versus magic. Such as you have leather, speech, sneaking then sword and destruction for traps perhaps?
    I've recently sunk a lot of resources into Smithing, so I can upgrade my already enchanted armor. I've had a brief play-around with Alchemy, with limited success. Same goes for Enchantment.

Answers in bold.
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Mrs. Patton
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:52 am

Not a spectral one because I am not constantly talking and repeating the same things over and over again mid battle, mid dungeon or mid conversation
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Andrea P
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:39 am

[*]Upgraded glass dagger (43 damage) left hand is bound to invisibility, didn't have the chance to use a bow since ages.

[*]Breton for the extra resistance

[*]It's great

[*]Don't have to while 1 shotting stuff

[*]Necromancers robe and a novice hood ^^, I'm lvl 43

[*]Illusion up till expert+ quiet casting , alternation up till stability since I didn't reach 100 in alternation yet I don't have a good damage reduction tool as dragonhide yet

With invisibility it feels kindda odd I can sneak infront of people in the middle of day 1 shoting most stuff and the alternation perks are considered wasted, I have extra magic resistance and other fancy stuff that I don't really need since stuff dies before it can hit me. Think I'm gonna reroll the class type of assasin with bows light armor, almost no magic at all.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:02 am

Guess I'm the typical warrior with a sense of stealth.

I sneak around in armor, taking out the first man with a bow/sword in the back, then I unseathe my swords and charge at them, screaming like a madman while waving my sword & axe around!

I dunno what kind of assassin that is xD
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Jaylene Brower
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:12 pm

I use bow, dagger, blades and destruction magic. In addition to the muffle spell from illusion.

I'm an argonian, there are no finer assassin's than the shadowscales.

Yes, all the time :ninja:

Very rarely, I don't need them to kill quickly. Against boss-type enemies, I do use poison.

Light armor, nightingale hood, thieves chest, assassins gloves and boots.

I have put quite a few perk points into lockpick.

@SinerAthin, it's a dead assassin. That's the kind of assassin you are :wink_smile:
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NAtIVe GOddess
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:14 am

  • What kind of weapons do you use? (Bow, sword, fire, etc)
    Bows outside, daggers inside.

  • What race do you play?

  • Do you use the roll-around perk in sneak?
    Use it alot :P

  • Do you use poisons sometimes or very often?
    All the time.

  • Do you wear cloth or leather or heavy?
    Light armor, so leather.

  • Do you use any perks that is completly away from the rest of your perks, melee versus magic. Such as you have leather, speech, sneaking then sword and destruction for traps perhaps?
    Short answer, no, I only use skills/perks from:
    • Sneak
    • One-handed
    • Archery
    • Alchemy

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Calum Campbell
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:14 pm

I made my assassin now.

Illusion for Quiet Casting
Conjuration to wake the dead from the dead
Destruction to blast things to hell and back
Alteration to Paralyze anyone falling me up a hill, makes them lol backwards.

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Reanan-Marie Olsen
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:16 pm

What kind of assassin are you?
Archer. A sniper with a bow, if you will

What kind of weapons do you use? (Bow, sword, fire, etc)
Bow, only. Never use melee weapons at all.

What race do you play?

Do you use the roll-around perk in sneak?
When I'm in a dungeon or something of the sort, i'm always doing this.

Do you use poisons sometimes or very often?

Do you wear cloth or leather or heavy?
Full Dragonscale.

Do you use any perks that is completly away from the rest of your perks, melee versus magic. Such as you have leather, speech, sneaking then sword and destruction for traps perhaps?
Sneak/Archery are my main. I have a few points in destruction for runes but am waiting until destruction is fixed before I add them to my arsenal.
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Emmie Cate
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:26 pm

I'm a typical Feline Assassin

Main - Archer
Secondary - Duel wield daggers
Light Armour
I use some poisons but not all the time
Not really delved into the illusion tree yet, may do enchanting as well.
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Bethany Watkin
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:28 am

What kind of weapons do you use? (Bow, sword, fire, etc)
i use a bow although i will use a war axe if i cannot hit a target from afar.
What race do you play?
Bosmer. the only right choice for an assassin.
Do you use the roll-around perk in sneak?
only if i need to get passed a small area of light quickly.
Do you use poisons sometimes or very often?
i use poisons when i feel they are needed which is usually the case with large powerful foes like enemy orcs and nords.
Do you wear cloth or leather or heavy?
i use leather because cloth is too weak and using platemail is just asking to get caught.
Do you use any perks that is completly away from the rest of your perks, melee versus magic. Such as you have leather, speech, sneaking then sword and destruction for traps perhaps?
i dabble in destruction for rune spells to block all paths to me when i feel a target is likely to survive my arrows and come after me
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Chloe Mayo
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:14 pm

What kind of assassin are you?
What kind of weapons do you use? (Bow, sword, fire, etc)
At the moment I'm using an upgraded Deadric bow :/
What race do you play?
Do you use the roll-around perk in sneak?
Do you use poisons sometimes or very often?
Pretty much never :/
I hit so hard and they usually dont see me, so I dont really need to
Do you wear cloth or leather or heavy?
Light armor, centralized around having +% archery.
Do you use any perks that is completly away from the rest of your perks, melee versus magic. Such as you have leather, speech, sneaking then sword and destruction for traps perhaps?
I mainly focus on Archery & sneak, because of this large fights are tough and I can't tank much, its lots of fun though :P

P.S. nice thread
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Charlie Sarson
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