Everything from primitive Team Rocket style Pitfalls to "high tech" Dragonball style dart rooms. Anyone remember that room that had the dots on the grownd and holes all along the walls in the Pirate Cave? Probably not, cause most people only watched DBZ and GT, and not all of just DB. Anyway, the room went for a good 10 to 15 yards, and seemed pretty deadly. General Blue's men didn't stand a chance against that.
Maybe a trap that targets any companions you have with you. Like a pitfall that opens up only after you pass over it, catching anyone following after you and drops em into a jail cell.
Invisible bridges you need faith to pass over. Rooms that slowly start to squeeze together with you in them. Spider webs that hold you there while the spider nibbles on you. Water that turns out to really be oil and an enemy lights the oil on fire. Thin ice that breaks and gives way to freezing water. Old stone bridges that give way as you pass over them.
The good ol swinging axe. Razer disks. Presure plates that free spiky balls that swing towards you. Enemies that set loose logs towards you instead of you always just towards enemies. Lightning crystals that shoot sparks at you if you get to close. Flooding rooms. Doors that close after you enter, trapping you in a room with some scary strong monster.
Runes that explode when you get to close. Gas that hurts you. Gas that makes you think enemies are allies. Gas that makes you fall over for a short time while enemies pound on you.
The equivalent of a bear trap. Puzzles that if failed kill you. Spears that shoot out of a hole in a wall at you, but stay in the wall so we can't pick em up.
And maybe some traps like we saw in the movie Predator.