A long series of them all as large as shivering isles

More realistic, as I understand Bethesda will focus on DLC the size of the ones in Fallout 3, shivering isles took to long to make and the house ones was to small so fewer bought them.
Now point lookout was impressive, not as large as SI, but it had a good size.
As I understand they will also prefer to add them in new worlds or areas, not in the game world itself as this simplify testing, (also a benefit for pc with mods as we get few conflicts)
I would prefer areas I can return to and who add value to the man game like the pit or point lookout over one time quest areas like operation Anchorage.
None will imply no extra content as it's no way they could have bundled all the content from Fallout 3 DLC in the main game without delaying it half a year.
We will not get more horse armor dlc, only exception is if horses themselves is added in a dlc.
However I have heard rumours of Khajiit tail armor dlc, and the separate Argonian tail armor

