» Sat May 28, 2011 8:44 pm
A true "Expansion Pack" would be ideal. Honestly, I would not object to seeing how the centuries have treated Solsthiem (Probably full of Dunmer Refugees now), failing a true expansion, something that integrates naturally into the core experience would be nice as well. DLC has a habit of "Sticking out" a little too much, though it is getting a lot better. Take Dead Money for example, I don't care what anyone says, Dead Money was awesome in all aspects except for a few bugs, and even though it was totally "Different" than the rest of New Vegas, hanging plot threads leading into it, pre-DLC references, and an incredible story, [s]on par with/s], Better than the main game itself really brought the experience to a "Must buy" for NV players. The Automatic Rifle and Holorifle as well, blending into the game in a manner as that they were incredible powerful, but didn't really break gameplay.
Anyway, while DLC/Expansions like Shivering Isles and Point Lookout were Great alone, I feel they sort of felt out of place. I feel the need to elaborate a little on Shivering Isles before an epic Sh*tstorm is hurled out, Shivering Isles was a victim of it's own quality. The Overall experience, from the land, to the people, to the memorable story, was of such high caliber, as to really stick out when compared to the "Meh" that was Oblivion. Not saying Oblivion was bad, but it was just so formulaic and lacked a real, stand-out personality of it's own, compared to Shivering isles especially.