What kind of heads ups should Codsworth give your character?

Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 5:36 pm

i hope he just tells you some really basic stuff, and in a way that shows he doesnt quite comprehend what happened. for example mabye he could say that a number of nasty looking fellows attacked him and tried to steal from your house but he drove them off. refering to people who were simply trying to get food to survive but codsworth not realising that society had collapsed, killed them.

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Mandy Muir
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 12:38 pm

Every time you walk past a skeleton he says "Oh my... Sir/Mam, SIR/MAM!! I think I found your husband/wife! Oh wait... Forgive me, you humans all look alike when you strip away the layers and get down to your core. But don't worry Sir/Mam, I'm sure we'll find him/her some day!"

If a skeleton is nearby he will continue with "In fact... I think I found him/her! Oh... False alarm again..."

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 4:47 pm

Havent looked at this in awhile...

Codsworth is a Mr. Handy. I don't think that's he's going to be worth much in combat, nor has he done anything in the past 200 years.

What I would love to see is a way to upgrade him/transfer his AI into a Mr. Gutsy model through some sort of quest/companion mission.

Same snarky butler, now with a plasma rifle and a flamethrower.
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kitten maciver
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 8:25 pm

I like this idea, but I would also like him to have increased cargo capacity and maybe a 'caravan' or 'mobile field base' of such carrier/repair bots with his AI and memory dominant and their memory as reference to assist in repair, salvage. looting and fabrication.

I would like to be able to trade goods or services for tools and items that the locals can't repair or afford to have repaired. Things they know about but can't use, and thus aren't worth much to them.

I'd like to be a tinker company coming to town with skills and services to trade. From healing and trading to repair, salvage and fabrication. A valuable visitor.

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louise fortin
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 7:13 pm

What do you think of Tinker as a role your character lives? Saluaging, looting, capturing, reprogramming bots like Handy's for sale or hire?

Maybe other industrial grade construction/maintenance bots and upgrades them as well as the Handys to salvage ,repair pre-war tech.

Takes companions and teaches them to tinker and repair tech as only a pre war tech with long forgotten knowledge and tricks and short cuts fresh in their mind can teach .

Check out what the original Handy bots looked like, http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Mister_Handy_%28Fallout%29

It would be great to have a Tinker DLC or mod in which you can find a graveyard of such and similar repair/ construction/ maintenance type bots, some of which might be industrial bots which you can up grade with parts from other bots you do not yet have the resouces to fabricate parts for.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:17 pm

I like your idea of a Mr. Orderly,Would be nice to have stashed programs and maybe attachments so your Handy could do emergency medical or emergency surgery in the wake of any disaster you and yours might survive. If you could afford a Handy and the package it beats a first aid kit. Maybe you know a local place that stocked them. Might not have been a big market for such after the apocalypse.

I'm thinking as a survivor of the old world with those memories fresh in my mind, as opposed to someone who's known nothing but post apocalypse survival, 200 years later.

I would be more motivated to restore as much of the world I'd lost, than someone who could only try to imagine, when they had free time for day dreaming, and little skills or understanding of much of the wreckage they were looking at much, less how to begin to fix, use, or mainatin it.

Many of us who lived through the cold war, and thought about the apocalypse pre-Mad Max grew up with the idea we would do as much as we could to help restore as much as we could if we survived the worst. I think a lot of us went to Fallout expecting more of that than just fighting for really small gains, and wandering off into the setting sun of the wastelands.

Tactics is my favorite Fallout game because it follows the rebuilding philosophy I grew up with, especially in the best possible ending where you choose the option to merge with the Calculator, take control of the robots and use them with the MWBoS to rebuild.

Seems like it was copied by Mass Effect 3 after their original lame tired ending so dissapointed the fans, The Mad Mad ending was fresh and new when I was in my 20s nearly 40 years ago.

Since Tactics I have been awaiting a big enough sandbox to immerse my self in, and fight the good fight to restore my country, this is the philosophy my generation grew up with since I was a child. I think there are a lot of us coming of retirement age with lowered expectations of our golden years who will find this type of gaming better than TV , reading or movies as affordable entertainment, and far more affordable than travel for adventure and exploration.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 1:21 pm

This thread makes me sad, mostly because of what people want in companions.

I (2-Caps) am completely worthless, and have very few redeeming quality's, yet for some reason every once in while people let me tag around with them. What are they really thinking about Poor ole me..... No wonder I am always carrying there crap.


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Honey Suckle
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:24 am

I recently discovered the website Vault 111, I liked what I saw enough that I subscribed and as I explored it came across the following under game perks, http://vault111.com/character/check it out. It describes the Attack Dog perk and how and why Dogmeat is such a special and capable dog.

Check out http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1534682-completed-perk-chart-speculation-thread-2/for background on how the info was collected and some great intel on the game.

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stacy hamilton
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 8:11 pm

what was codsworth doing for 200 years , patroling the neighborhood and defending it from looters and raiders. how did he get the parts to repair himself , would he wonder out farther to find them these are the questions i need answers to .

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Breanna Van Dijk
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:08 pm

Could have been other Handys surviving in the hood, might still be. As others failed maybe the survivors salvaged parts, maybe there is a local shop with spare parts and servicing resources they preserved by stashing in a more secure location.

If one was tweaked or upgraded who can say how they exceeded expectations. They are designed and programmed as maintenance and repair units, they could probably share programming that allowed them to use more tools and perform more functions, kind of like apps. Techies will be techies and would have been before the war.

Just suggesting ideas in hopes of inspiring a good modder or more.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 12:10 pm

I would make this the back story to a 200 year old home maintenance and repair bot programmed to repair and maintain a home and serve its occupants. Unless there is some back story included in the game, its story is open to the imagination.

In mine it wouldn't be a hero, it wouldn't be cutesy like ED-E, and it could provide a lot of insight into what happened locally. Abandoned with the family dog it could take care of the dog until the dog dies.

The dog could mate with other abandoned dogs and they stay around because there is a voice like they grew up and lived with that is programmed to sit the family pets. The pups could grow up learning from how the older dogs of the pack respond to their bot pack leader and how they act around the bot and other surviving domestic “bots in the ‘hood “programmed to care for their family, the family pets and maintain their home.

The fallout wiki has such bots repairing each other to explain why the free roamers get along without humans able to maintain them. I imagine they can be tweaked and upgraded to do many tasks at higher levels; grounds keeper, gardener, accountant, tutors/companions for people with special needs, tireless, patient companions for the elderly, tutors for the children of ‘tiger parents’.

Abandoned the tweaked ones up grade each other and the other bots with parts and programs from the stocks of local cybernetics and computer shops, parts and program stores (imagine the high end custom programs and upgrades there might be for well to do ‘tiger families.’) Such bots could develop a lot of capabilities many owners might not have been able to afford. Multiple high lift ducted fan thrusters mounted around the body as opposed to a rocket lifter, a trio of extra arms that can also function as legs, mounted where the rocket thruster was mounted.

The bot doesn’t have to be cutesy or witty, just a good reliable keeper of the dogs who react to them like they would people who care for them to the best of their human ability, bots are consistent, patient and never cruel. Kind of like the T-800 in Terminator 2 with the young John Connor because that is how it has been programmed by the future John Connor.

Possibly show the bot or bots with puppies clamoring for attention and to be stroked, into middle age. Show the bot praising them, training them and comforting them through out there lifespan because dogs like people like and need such attention.

With proper AI I believe a bot could be a better more attentive, dependable keeper/companion, (learning to read and meet the needs of those they care for better than a lot of people.) Isn’t that what they would be programmed to do with the humans they serve?

The bots stray further afield to find needed resources to care for and repair their home and meet the needs of their charges, and are sometimes captured or looted and have to escape to return to their pack, though it might take years. Sometimes far from home, they find a new home, a new pack, in a settlement or survivalist community where they and their programming are appreciated.

Sometimes they have their pack with them and lose dogs trying to protect them. They aren’t looking for trouble; you’re picking a fight for what? They recover their fallen and bury them at home as most families would. Sometimes they just have a serious failure and their loyal dogs guard their fallen bot until a friendly searching for them finds and retrieves them.

Though few attack a bot, or bots from “the ‘hood” fitted with at least a blow torch or cutting torch, power saw, maybe edged weapons, maybe six arms, adding ax, meat cleaver, machete hovering head and shoulder height with a pack of trained dogs in K-9 armor, fighting as family.

I suspect a modder or programmer who knows dogs and has artistic talent could convey a lot with a few puppies who get the care, attention, ‘affection’ they would crave from a human, from a bot or bots, because look at the heartless human debris dogs can learn to love and be loyal to (think of people who raise dogs to fight dogs.)

How do you feel about a bot who earns the love of an old dog it has comforted cared for all that dog’s life, and is there to comfort till the dog dies of old age with their faithful servant in attendance? There is a lot that talented artists could say about service and kindness, appreciation and love, selfless service, and “love not human” without being ham handed and wordy, with images alone.

Most who have commented on this topic, only know of Handys from a 'step and fetch it' type butler bot program, as nothing but comic relief. and can't see it as more than cowering and hiding for 200 years and have no respect for it as a companion, I've always felt they had much more potential.

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