In Fallout 3 the first character your avatar can converse with after leaving the vault is the Sherriff of Megaton who gives him a heads up on which of the locals to seek out for fair treatment and help with life outside the vault. He also gives your primary character a heads up on the shady characters to look out for.
In Fallout NV the first character your avatar can converse with when ready to go out into the world after the murder attempt is Goodsprings town doctor who gives a good and honest heads up on the locals to seek out, and those to watch out for.
In Fallout 4 it appears that first conversation will be with Codsworth, personally I would like to see a 'Wild Wastelads" option for Codsworth to be goofy for those who want to play the game like Borderlands or more realistic for those who prefer the game like the popular Call of Duty, or Stalker, or the Metro series, (that have or had new installments faster to keep up with demand.)
I was raised in a time when realism mattered, you paid attention to cues and when enough cues came together reflexes and emotional responses kick in. What didn’t add up was a lie, a mistake or a joke. As a head of household you would need to pick up on cues quick ,early and right or everything you cared about could be put at risk.
I know it’s too late and probably too expensive to do, but my preference is for games like Stalker or Metro or Call of Duty that seem proofed by combat vets with real world experience and credibility on what combat, the tools of war, surviving and getting your job done in a war zone/ torn up wasteland is.
I ‘d like Codsworth to speak of maybe 200 years of being captured and escaping and evading because he is alert 24/7 and after a few years people get sloppy.
I would like Codsworth on realistic as opposed to hokey/goofy mode to suggest the player watch for “more evolved dogs” who are very intelligent and capable, learn fast, and loyal if treated right. Maybe he had canine companions over the centuries, (they didn’t boss him around or try to enslave or exploit him, were appreciative and loyal to their last breath.)
If Codsworth is to be a companion option I would like the option not to have him goofy, or cutesy like Ed-E, but capable of dropping the hokey butler protocol and being a relatively emotionless AI, with centuries of experience and observations.
About the best we can hope to do with our speculations is maybe inspire or influence some DLC developers, or Modders to agree they should create something that includes our ideas.
So bring out your ideas, we may lead to improving the game in a direction we enjoy!