I want to start a Let's Play series of Morrowind. I started one out, and I got generally great feedback about how I presented it, the quality, voice to game effects ratio, etc.
But people really seemed bothered by the smallest little things, and denounced from ever watching it again until I correct them. I mean, from little things like deviating from pure RP at all, to saying things like "Man that texture looks great", or simple little things like that.
So, I guess my question is, what kind of let's plays do people generally like? I can't do a "noob" lets play of Morrowind. I have played the game since 2002; it just isn't possible. I know literally everything about the game, and I know where everything is. I simply can't pretend like an idiot and walk around saying "OOOH WHAT'S THIS!1???" because frankly, I know what it is, 100%.
So how do I do an LP when I am a pure veteran of the game, but still want people to enjoy it and watch?
I had a few ideas, like making a preset character and going through each Main Quest and immersing myself in that only. Like, I'd have a "Let's Play: ES III: Morrowind - Bloodmoon" and then a "Let's Play: ES III: Morrowind - Tribunal" and I'd do those and all the main and side quests and pretty much all the content offered in each. I'd do one for the main quest as well, but not all the side quest of coarse, that'd be absurd, as that's the entire game. But just focus on the MW MQ.