I know probably every one does some sort of role playing in the game, which character or race or archetype one chooses, I hope this will be a fun thread for everyone. I personally, recently in the past couple of years, have chosen a breton that is technically a necromancer but is more of a permanent summoner than a temporary "mancer," My character is not a typical per say necromancer, I usually either concentrate on atronachs or summon a human or elven race as a permanent follower. I usually go with the atronachs because most of the public ostracize my character for reanimating a dead thrall, it gets old hearing town folk say crappy comments when sometime in their life,I am sure they were not so innocent either. A recent play through, I was trying a hermit style character, it was a daunting task trying to gather all the spells without going into any towns. There are pros and cons in being a hermit, one, you could stay at a low level, and find a small place to live where no one would bother you, some people don't like hermits, but being a hermit keeps one out of trouble, that's at least what the perception I have on that at least, if you really think deep down, where does most of the crime originate from in the game? I look at the cities being a forefront to evil being present, that is one way, one can combat some of the evil in the game. It is very eye opening also with playing a hermit. I haven't really gone into playing a thief style player as that doesn't really fit my play style, I usually
play with joining the darkbrotherhood, it's fun until I have to make a decision to where I stop a current quest in a main quest, that is the beauty of skyrim, you can stop a quest any time you like, well, most of them anyways, that makes the game that much funner to play, you basically get to choose the outcome, we all have made poor decisions sometime in the game, for me it is learning from my mistakes, sometimes I make too many of them, but I sometimes like to see through the process. I am not really into the whole vampire and werewolf stuff, have done both, the werewolf seems kind of clumsy, the vampires are just plain ugly, not to say the vampires aren't powerful, just not my thing, although, I am not attracted to the whole idea of the dawnguard dlc, it is super fun, but it is almost like you have to join a side, or there is a never ending cycle of violence, my current play through, have not really noticed a vampire threat, honestly, it feels like the dawnguard brings on alot of the violence, they are a group that broke off from the ashes of the vigilants, I am not opposed to the vigilants but am neutral towards both sides, I can understand the tyranny behind both sides, but in the end I would most likely choose the vampire side due to the fact that in the game, the dawnguard attacks quite a bit because they may think a character is a threat to humanity, I think in real life, there's outcasts of society, why do they do that? There's a reason for everything,
I look into the dawnguard's insides, and it is not fully all good, the idea is a good one; however where is the root cause of the attack in the story line, the vampires do not seem to retaliate, although I believe, every playthrough is different, when I think of an enemy, if they
do not feel threatened, they will not attack, that is a possible scenario for the reason that the vampires are not attacking. It is hard to
say, in theory, the vampires may wait an eternity to just wait, and not attack, that is a possible reason for the hostility or possible jealousy of the dawnguard towards the vampires, I look at real life, when something goes bad, a person gets traumatized by an experience and is left with the affects of the experience, it is human nature to feel hatred towards another group for something that may have been left undone; however what good is it to retaliate towards another group when we all eventually end up in the same place.