All intelligence did in the past was give us a larger pool of mana for the larger spells. I would prefer to see damage grow from higher intelligence so spells don't lose value.
Dear god. THIS. Larger mana pools are all very well and good, but a mage with epic intelligence should be able to kill a mudcrab in one hit with the most modest fire spell.
In regard to OP:
I'm looking forward (and hoping for)
-Sith Lightning. Please let the "hold down the cast button" variation on lightning be this! Otherwise, I'll be a saaad panda.
-Fire spells in general. You can set the landscape ablaze now? So. Awesome. I'm a firebender at heart. :flamethrower:
-Necromancy. Conjuration needs a greater variety of spells than *soultrap*, *summon: x*, and *bound armor*. Necromancy spells were something I felt were dearly missing in Oblivion (especially with the hundreds of necromancers in the game, lol).
-Telekinesis. Now for combat! Todd confirmed somewhere that you can now throw things, and implied that can now do damage. I'm really hoping that magnitude is the force with which you can move/throw objects with - so the higher the magnitude, the heavier things you can move.
-Levitation. We have flying dragons, people. Unless there's a dragon shout that lets you temporarily sprout wings, Levitation would be epic for leveling the playing field a bit.
-Runes in general. You can lay down a magical lightning mine! How awesome is that! I can't wait to lay down a couple of mines, piss off some undead ahead of me in the dungeon, and run back behind the mines to watch the fireworks.
-I can't remember the next spell's name - it wasn't in oblivion - but I can tell you what it does, its been confirmed by Todd. I'd link the source if I remembered where. It's basically an AOE force push away, kind of like Repulse from the first Fable (ahh...the first fable...the only time a fable was actually good.)
-For the first time in an rpg...I'm actually looking forward to cold magic! We have spells like "Ice spikes" now, which sound much more lethal and interesting than the Oblivion style of lobbing an orb of cold at them.
-The conditional cast system. Like fire, for example: Tap to throw a fireball, hold to emit a constant scattershot of flame, like a flamethrower. Additionallly, we have Fire runes, as aforementioned. And finally, we have the effect where you have it in both hands - which we don't really know what it does other than massively drain mana lol. I'd prefer magic in both hands to be like wielding a longsword in both hands though - can use them independantly.