I didn't like Morrowinds fast travel system. When I first took a Silt Strider, I thought 'Cool!
When I first saw one, I came from the non-ramp side, identified it as a monster, and of course started attacking it :toughninja: Good thing it wasn't a http://www.netfunny.com/rhf/jokes/98/Jul/gazebo.html :facepalm:
I get to see myself travel across Morrowind!' but ended up thinking 'Well that's lame. I pay for something I can do for free in Oblivion'
In Oblivion, you could Fast Travel to the major cities straight off, but not everywhere in the game. In Skyrim, you will have to 'find' the cities first (although I think they'll still be shown on your map, in a similar vein to Oblivion.) The game is sounding great, so don't let one little thing like Fast Travel get you down and complaining (like most everyone else :stare:)
Remember Bethesda have other people to cater to, those that aren't serious about Roleplaying and suchwhat. And, as long as there's still horses, and I can walk to the next city, I'm fine :biggrin:
In Oblivion, you could Fast Travel to the major cities straight off, but not everywhere in the game. In Skyrim, you will have to 'find' the cities first (although I think they'll still be shown on your map, in a similar vein to Oblivion.) The game is sounding great, so don't let one little thing like Fast Travel get you down and complaining (like most everyone else :stare:)
Remember Bethesda have other people to cater to, those that aren't serious about Roleplaying and suchwhat. And, as long as there's still horses, and I can walk to the next city, I'm fine :biggrin:
Erm, serious and roleplaying have subjective definitions. Yours doesn't match mine, but I'm serious about my roleplaying (pnp)
Regarding fast travel. As long as I don't have to sped time trudging over the same path time and time again, I'll be happy. I havn't seent it yet, but an inclusion of random encoutners could make fast travel a bit more intersting.
Sigh, I though Fast Travel was going to be a Dragon Shout ability that zipped you through the sky where you see everything distorted like "warp speed" It'd be great! Dragons might still be able to combat you, you could miss your target and lad on a cliff face (fall to your death), scare the crap out of citizen (AHH a DRAGON ... NO it's just me the DragonBor...SEEE ITS A DRAGON KILLL IT)....and so on
Much humor, death, immersion, could be included that way LOL