My advice, for what little it's worth, is to start up a generic character, maybe a warrior type, and just wander around Seyda Neen and directly outside for a bit. Get a feel for the game. It's unforgiving at first because your character begins as a wimp, with no skills to speak of and few resources, and you don't know what it's like. Also, since dexterity matters so much, you have a difficult time attacking even a mudcrab without stumbling over your feet. There's no hand-holding.
Once you've checked things out, start a new character. I'd suggest manually choosing your skills rather than a template, and going with majors and minors that include at least one skill related to every attribute. That way, when you want to level up a given attribute a lot, you'll be able to focus on at least one skill that contributes to that attribute.
If you're on a PC, there are some important mods you should run: the, and the The former fixes some issues with internal game save corruption, as well as a number of other issues, and the latter fixes several hundred bugs gamesas neglected to fix.
Beyond that, consider at least adding a magicka regenerating mod to your game. Makes the beginning just a bit easier, since you regain magicka without having to sleep everywhere in the wilderness, which can lead to unpleasant surprises. There are many such mods out there--check out PlanetElderScrolls and TES Nexus for a good variety.
Best of luck.