Aside from the pretty graphics, this game is a total let down (multiplayer wise at least). Where to takes for ever to find a "server," if you want to call it that. More like 'dedicated lobby.' When you finally get in a round, you play for all of 5 minutes and...the round ends. Press and hold to run/scope? No thanks. Entire enemy team running around cloaked and shooting me three feet in front of my face? No thanks (before you say use the vision thing...I spent $60 to play the game and see the cool graphics and enjoy the maps...not stare at white fuzz and heat! How sad!
What's truly the worst part of the whole game is the spawn system. Spawn->move two feet, shot by enemy player standing right there. Rinse, repeat.
Oh, and the three aimbotters were just such an awesome added touch. Not to mention no recoil rifle sniping. Why even put sniper guns in the game if ANY gun can be used for a cross map one shot kill?
Its like they mashed together MW2 with Blops and overlayed it with pretty colors.