what i'd like have in all the fallout games

Post » Mon Aug 15, 2011 4:23 am

is gun racks in whatever home we choose instead of closets. a place where we can display the uniques and usuals where we can see them upon entering.
in FONV, i use the abandoned house in Goodsprings as my base, and the bed, floors, and cabinets are piled with all the weapons i love to collect.
it's to the point i can't even see the bed mattress anymore. lol.
i went through a lot of time and trouble to collect these items, and would like to see them displayed in an appropriate manner...NOT shoved into a gun closet!
THAT i keep for all the various clothes items i collect.
of course, i don't know how difficult it would be for the devs to allow for this, but it remains my one singular dream.
i also collect teddy bears and garden gnomes, but those i can put anywhere and not feel particularly put-out as to where they go.
but the guns...
i want them in fulll display to be proud of. i like their design and function, and as rememberances of battles well fought.
more simply said...they all look cool as [censored].
as it is, the pile on my Goodsprings home bed looks like...well...a pile. like 10 pounds of crap in a 5 pound bag.
i know it's late in the game, but still...
i'd love to walk into whatever base i'm using and look at and reflect on, all the weapons i've amassed---one by one, in racks.
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Kim Bradley
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Post » Mon Aug 15, 2011 10:36 am

Siding with villains without a game-ending cutscene. That's what I'd like from all the Fallout games. New Vegas takes it the closest but you don't really get to enjoy being the Legion's hero.
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Guy Pearce
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