A lot of good ideas in here, and a lot that made me laugh.

I'd like to see:
-Scabbards (or what have you) of the weapons I'm using actually be strapped or slung to my charcter instead of just floating off in space several inches away from my body.
-Animations in first person to actually grab things, like if you loot something you just killed, or a treasure chest, bending down to check out the body or to open the chest [insert menu], instead of just standing over it, if they keep that interface method.
-More intimacy between You, the player, and NPCs. Just so that you can feel like you have a friend, or some one you know well, instead of just, This NPC has _ disposition toward me, he/she is my friend. You know, just some tangibility. Friend and Companionship.

Not that I necessarily find it important to my personal gaming experience... but! ...
I saw one of the early posts was romantic dialogue? Why not? Why does the Hero always have to be a lonely wanderer for his enitre existence, I mean player is the last of their line, correct? Do the dragonborn die out? Or do we just not go there?