um ... yeah ... I know that.
Sarcasm really looses it's appeal on forums.
um ... yeah ... I know that.
Sarcasm really looses it's appeal on forums.
Lolz, sorry the '3rd person' view threw you for a loop bud.
Im a firm believer that pre-orders have gotten out of hand with all the promises and disappointments as of late, but i still pre-order titles a love no matter what hate gets thrown their way. I pre-ordered The Witcher 3 because ive been playing the witcher since i was 16 or so. and ive pre-ordered FO4 because i've loved their games aswell, even though im not as familiar with tactics, 1 or 2. Be a responsible consumer and wait until the game comes out to decide to buy it
If your pc is within the minimum requirements then theres nothing for you to worry about. I played Zelda last week for HOURS, plus the millions of hidden gem indie games on steam that have "[censored] graphics" If your rig can play it then it can play it. Is it really going to make the difference if theres half as much dead grass? or you cant see the sweat running between your enemy's posterior cheeks? No my friend, a good game is a good game.
I'm actually shocked by this thread, not just this one but many like it on gaming forums why do they even exist. No offence to anyone who didn't know what Live Action means but its just insane to me, not necessarily the fact that some don't know what it means but that it even matters, surely all can see from the trailer that it isn't trying to deceive people as to the graphical quality of the finished product... It's a simple advert in the games style to promote it, not to us either because we're already buying the game, to the random TV watcher or Youtuber to get them interested and research the game some more.
People saying "This trailer svcked, more gameplay would have got me more hyped". They're running a business it isn't always about you it's about sales.
In-game footage is self explanatory and confuses no one.
Live-action to me is when you mix in real people with animation, like Roger Rabbit.
It really has no meaning to me in the context of this trailer, even after reading the Wikipedia article.
I would much have preferred "Not in-game footage" to "live-action" as a disclaimer, unless they are just trying to confuse.
Loved the trailer though.
Live-Action: Involves physical actors in a physical space, special effects may vary.
In-Game cinematic: A rendered cinematic from the game.
In-Game footage: Non-rendered footage of actual gameplay. Sometimes also referred to as Gameplay Footage.
Machinima: A feature made using assets of a work. The long running Skyrim for Pimps on youtube for instance. Or Manslayers Gamer Poop series.
This is very true.
Most posters on this forum required no input from Bethesda beyond the showcase.
Liking or wanting 'more gameplay' achieves little from a sales perspective, contributes spoilers and is a sop to impatience.
"Say, Edith, have you seen this commercial for this Fallout 4 game?"
"I have, Frank, doesn't it look just dank?"
"I think I might give that a try. Hah, kids and their toys."
This is who the commercials are for.
Personally, I was surprised to hear that it was a "live action" shot. On first viewing, I thought it was dolled-up CGI/"bullshot" "game" footage.
Of course, I didn't expand the vid to full-screen / HD. And I've never been terribly good at being picky about video details
If it were in-game footage...the System Requirements would be MUCH, MUCH higher! In fact, I doubt that any personal computer out there would be able to run it at that resolution, and with the scale/scripting/etc FO4 is going to have.
Hah, if it was in-game footage, I'd spend the first hour or two of gameplay going "How do I do that 'shoot a rad roach from the hip with an smg without looking at it' thing?"
'Hah, if it was in-game footage, I'd spend the first hour or two of gameplay going "How do I do that 'shoot a rad roach from the hip with an smg without looking at it' thing?"'
The old MechWarrior games had that sort of functionality, the direction you were moving was independent to the direction your torso was facing and the arms had free movement across the screen following the mouse (which wasn't centered).
Oh, and I actually like the trailer. It took me a couple of watches to decide the protagonist was an actor in costume...I half suspected it might be fully cgi. It was only comments on the Youtube and having watched a recent episode of Dave Gorman's Modern Life is Goodish where he has a brief rant over 'in game footage' warnings that made me chuckle. Of course that may only be apparent to UK readers I doubt Mr Gorman has a high viewership elsewhere.??
so wait was it just CGI or was it using real actors and stuff?
What are you guys talking about?.. There wasn't any CGI in that. That was all real footage shot in a parallel universe.
OK now wait a minute.... Was that actually an actor in costume? If so, all my complaints about live-action go away.
Sure looked like pure CGI to me...
The guy and the dog were real, I'm guessing the location was real as well, the radroaches and super mutants though, totally not real unless they got some really tall guys to put on a body suit for super mutants
What is live action? Well let me answer your question with a question - what is Google?
And anyone, even my grandma, could differentiate live action like the new trailer from Fallout 4 gameplay graphics. You can't?
I have no Idea??
First I met some Vampire larpers and they ran around in costume Fighting (mainly by rock paper scissors) and trying to out plot each in backstab and treachery schemes. And they seemed to hold a dim view of standard gamers and "normals" (or bloodbags ) thats people not in on the game.
Then I met some Amtgard people and they ran about in costume fighting (mainly with foam weapons) as they tried to outdo each other with political back stabbing in there "Kingdom". The seemed to hold a dim view of normal's and people not in on there game.
Then I met some SCA fellows who ran about in costume fighting (in semi real armor with ratan wood en weapons) as they tried to out plot each other with backstabbing and more schemes to gain power in there holdings. In general they too hold a dim view of people not in on there game, and really seemed to dislike Larpers as being soft.
Then I met a Live steel viking reenactment group who ran about fighting (with real armor and blunted weapons) they were uhh scary.
Dont get me started on the wild west shootists.........(to be honest a great bunch of guys)
So ole 2-caps decided you know what I am staying out of the damn park and not going to fairs heh.
Watch the video again on a big screen. You can easily see that the SS and the dog are real. Radroaches, Super Mutants and the Power Armor are CGI.
The Mr. Handy at the beginning looks like practical effect to me, but I could be wrong.
Right. Real sets with a LOT of CG inserts. Background elements, creatures, etc...
Yeah. That's what I thought too. The "live action" is really misleading. It was simply a cinematic trailer which, frankly, though nice and well presented, it really is sub par compared to other incredible cinematic trailers out there.
im not people are not smart/informed these days and gets worse every year.
In a few years, CG will get to the point where it is impossible to tell if it is real life or game graphics. So in 10 years, if someone sees this video on youtube, then they would not be able to tell this wasn't ingame footage.
For some people, calling it ingame footage was a joke. As usual, sarcasm doesn't translate well on the internet. At least my references to Ultra High graphics were.