Derailing is all well and good, so long as it's amusing.
In a related unrelated note, if the LDB is a Shezzarine (debatable, but bear with me), then your actions could be seen to be backing up Talos in an indirect manner.
Only because of the terms of the White-Gold Concordat. In the event of an Imperial victory over the Dominion, all its statutes will likely be overturned, if only because excessive patriotism would demand all things Thalmor be got rid of.
Although I'm really not sure that'll happen. Without the LDB to solidify whatever result s/he chooses (as happens with TES protagonists), the Dominion will probably overrun Skyrim and go even further into the removal of Talos from the Mythic. Which will lead to a countdown until the series gets a reboot next kalpa, or Landfall.