What is Lydia and my Nord referring to? Hm?

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:00 pm

So after I updated the new patch tonight, I decided to see if Lydia had the option for marriage out of curiosity. No. Deciding to play around, I had my Nord command Lydia to have a seat so he can lollygag around the house, like trying to place a pot that had fallen back on the shelf - with frustration. Then, I had an idea to put her to sleep in his bed to see if I can leave her there while he adventures through town!

So when Lydia laid down on the bed, I pressed the x button, and I get this weird dialogue option:

My Nord says, "Yes. Let me show you."

She responds as she rolls out of the bed, "Let's see it." :blush2:

Um, see what!? What are they talking about? I repeated this 4-5 times. I can only surmise one thing and it's something like a sword, but I don't know!! Maybe I'm just a girl with a dirty mind. :/

What are they talking about? Anyone know?
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Lucky Girl
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:29 am

they're talking about sweet rolls. Somebody stole your sweet rolls. Also watch out for arrows to the knee.
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Nathan Maughan
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:16 pm

Oh, yeah, he's totally showing her his sword. :spotted owl:
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Alan Whiston
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