True, but if you take a closer look at it, it's not as glorifying as it may seem.
Look at the one-handed skill tree. there is only 1 perk that only apply to axes. There is only 1 perk for maces, and 1 for swords. I would hardly call this a deep specialization. It's only there to serve as an illusion for specialization. Really, all it's there for is a band-aid for the deep wound that was inflicted upon the complexity of weapon specialization when bethesda decided to "streamline" the game by merging ALL one-handed weapons together into a single skill.
I miss the days when training with an axe contributed to my strength, which would help me use other melee weapons a bit better, but for the most part it helped me use axes better. I could still pick up a sword and not feel like it was a foreign object, but it would definitely feel different and I wouldn't be nearly as proficient in the art of swordmastery. I'm not saying the system in morrowind was perfect. It had its flaws.
In fact, I like the perk system in Skyrim a lot. But it doesn't make up for the merging of all melee weapons into two skills.
Yes to all your points. Another issue with the illusion of perk tree depth is that a lot of perks are just add +X dmg to item/action Y. The trees look a lot thinner if you consider that. I like perks, too, they're just not the be-all and end-all that Todd claimid, and a million fans have parroted.
BTW, it didn't work great, but remember that Morrowind had different slashing, thrusting, and chopping attacks/stats for each weapon type. It could have been an interesting system if they'd worked on it more in later games.
I do think we need more skills back in the next iteration, because it's become obvious that instead of being a highly specialised expert with axes (or whichever implement you prefer), we're down to just basic archetypes at this point, with little variation or difference in play style between one warrior (or mage, or thief) and the next.
I love Skyrim and I am playing a thief which is fantastic fun, but I'm not going to be able to play one of 4 different specialised warriors for my other playthroughs, using different types of weapon for each character, it's going to be much more generic. I'd like to see a bit more skill diversity in future games in order to make really unique characters for each playthrough.
I agree, but don't get your hopes up. I think you'll have to look to other games for that type of gameplay.