Oblivion was "ok" it didn't hold a candle to Morrowind though. Oblivion was way too mainstream, but i don't think those are things a first timer would notice. I'm glad you had fun, but i urge you to checkout Morrowind too. I think Oblivion's story and graphics where it's strong points, even today it's graphics are still superball things considering. It's rare for visuals to age so gracefully like Oblivion, but i still find myself in awe sometimes when i lookout off of a mountain.
I read this a lot on here, but I'm inclined to disagree.
I certainly agree with the point that compared to Morrowind, the game was rather simplified. But compared to pretty much anything else out there, it's a rather complex and deep game.
Morrowind did certainly set certain standards in customization and content that Oblivion definitely didn't match. I wasn't a fan of some of the skill removals, mainly Enchant as that was one of my favorite skills in Morrowind. I didn't like it's removal as a skill in Oblivion, I wanna be able to Enchant! lol.
I can understand removing Medium Armor. I'm okay with just Light and Heavy Armor. I could understand condensing Long Blade and Short Blade into just Blade (although I do *prefer* the separate skills, as I think being capable with a dagger is certainly different than being capable with a claymore). But I wasn't a fan of removing Spear (even though Spear was a skill I never used personally, it was a unique skill selection that at least in Morrowind, offered a rather different style of gameplay for combat), I didn't like condensing Axe into Blunt, as there is nothing "blunt" about and axe. And I also wasn't a fan of removing Unarmored skill either.
I also didn't like the removal of the amount of guilds you could join, and the complexities between all of the guilds. While my first playthrough, that I actually beat Morrowind with, my guild selections were pretty simple (Mage's Guild, Thieve's Guild), there did come a point in later playthroughs that I was enjoying joining some of the not-so-"cliche" guilds, like the Temple. Being able to join all those different guilds, and the requirements for advancing (actually being GOOD in skills relating to the guild, instead of just doing quests) was a major part of what made Morrowind great.
I also like the environment of Vvardenfall better than that of Cyrodiil. Sure, the graphics in Oblivion are obviously better, but I just liked Morrowind's environment much more.
That said, I'm totally not bashing Oblivion. Oblivion did improve on Morrowind in many ways. Game play was improved. Graphics, obviously. Technically, Oblivion is a better game. And while it's lacking in content as compared to Morrowind, I don't believe that it's lacking in content when compared to the overall gaming world. It may be "dumbed down" by Bethesda's standards, but it's not dumbed down by gaming standards.
I still find Oblivion to be a very rich, very deep, very detailed game that is certainly worthy of mention alongside a great game like Morrowind.