it has a 50% chance of doing any of the three Elemental Damages..
But they stack.
So, you have a chance of getting all three elements to hit at once.
Oh, you mean the champions cudgel? love that hammer!
I've got it on my legfendary dragonbone sword. It may be OP but it sure is fun.
I love Chaos Damage!
I unenchanted a Nordic Dagger I came across, and (with all my skill/perks etc.) it enchants like 250 Chaos Damage on my Stalhrim war axe...
I actually turned it down to 185, for better fuel mileage.
I found it cannot be Smithed-up...?
So it's on a rack, LoL.
I carry Wuuthrad, double-enchanted and 415 damage.
For Ysgramor!
I also love that hammer. I'm sad that decapitations are so... bladed even if you use blunt weapons because I'd love to make a warhammer toting berserker just for it.
Aye. Only Imperial War Hammer in the game. It's a shame it cannot be tempered.
That's kinda the only reason i like typical of me?
I tend to use Stalrhim Weapons enchanted with Frost and Chaos Damage as end of Game Weapons. I took a cloth Mage that had a One Handed Skill of 36 from using Bound Swords to Soul Trap, gave the character a Daedric War Axe with Shock and Choas. The Mage with just 100 Health was an effective Glass Cannon Dual Wielding the Axe and Keening.