What makes game CTD outside?

Post » Mon May 26, 2014 6:48 am

I'm crashing at Snow Veil Sanctum;

i have no idea why, i've been there before, i've unloaded almost all my mods.

I have a feeling its 13 oranges mods, or a conflict between his mods and another.

Its north of Windhelm

I think it has to be a quest mod, here's a list of potential culprits:



Populated Series (not quest but maybe)

Helgen Reborn (highly doubt, i'm all but finished)

The McMiller Chronicles (highly likely its old, but i removed it and nothing)

The Fifth Gate (removed a long time ago, might be a problem)

13 Oranges - The Bigger They Are

Sword of Sigdan

13 Orange - Sea of Ghosts

13 Orange - Sorcery and Pitfighter

Pirates of the Pacific

13 Oranges - No Mercy

MoonPath to elswyre

Hunting in Skyrim


Crimson Quest

Conan Hyborian

Hanging Gardens

Agent of Righteous Might

If i thought it was a navmesh i would fix it, i've cleaned all my mods, i'm wondering if this is even fixable.

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Post » Mon May 26, 2014 8:43 pm

I'm not an expert but I was under the impression that you shouldn't uninstall any mods due to how the scripts save in the save file or something along those lines?

I am going to quote Arthmoor here because it seems relevant, hope that is not a problem Arthmoor :bunny:

"There is no such thing as a clean save. It does not matter who tells you there is, it doesn't exist in Skyrim. You cannot remove any mod, not even the patch, without there being some data that's been permanently changed. Doing this repeatedly WILL damage your save and WILL eventually lead to it becoming corrupt and unusable. Bethesda's own developers have confirmed the only way to properly remove a mod is to load a save made BEFORE that mod was introduced into the game. If you started a new game with 10 mods installed, you're going to be stuck with those 10 forever"

I am assuming this would be the issue, you have removed too many mods over the course of the save file. I could be wrong but this quote seems to suggest that

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Danny Warner
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Post » Mon May 26, 2014 4:01 pm

When he says he's unloaded all his mods I assume he means for the purposes of testing this issue, not necessarily that the mods have been removed over the course of the game. Still, stuff does gets baked in and whatever's causing the issue happens without the mods so it looks like you might be stuck with it, there's a http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52363/? that you might try but I'm pretty wary of these things until they're mature.

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clelia vega
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Post » Mon May 26, 2014 8:04 am

not true at all, not in any way. Armor mods, and mods that simply change numbers or enchantments on stuff can be taken out with ease. t does not matter who says otherwise, they can be taken out and be perfectly fine. i have literally installed a HUGE amount of mods that like, then a bit later uninstalled several of them and i have never had any issues, ever.

The only thing this is sort of true for are mods with scripts, mods that add instructions to the game for new things or reactions or whatever.

That would just make it worse unless it was one of the types of mods i stated above. scripted mods being taken out will just make the issue worse and not fix anything.

That script cleaner is great and works perfectly fine, there is nothing to be wary of.

OP, are you using Steam workshop? if so, then it is VERY likely one of your mods updated automatically and that will/can cause you game to be unplayable and possibly unfixable.

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Post » Mon May 26, 2014 7:10 pm

I don't doubt the quality of the program but I've found that being wary is generally good practice in modding.

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Theodore Walling
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Post » Mon May 26, 2014 6:21 am

yeah im also wary of that,

I did in fact remove the mods just for testing, i've done it before, but i never found the problem. One Place i CTD every time is Holfir's Monument in one of 13 Oranges mods.

That's what makes me think they are the culprit. But i'd really like to find out how i can figure out what is causing it, so that if i have to start a new game LOL, i know exactly what Mod(s) not to use.

Everything works perfectly fine in my game, except there are like 3 places where CTD's occur, and its driving me crazy.

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