» Sat May 28, 2011 7:03 pm
My tip is work on your presentation of the mod. Even if changes aren't graphic, it's good to have at least one picture. For example, for your Oblivion Gates thing, take a cliche screen of the gates. Then go to a simple photo editor program (i recommend Picasa), maybe change some basic settings like contrast and similar stuff, place a title and your name in a fancy (but still representable) font, and maybe even a catch phrase. Like "Scum of Oblivion - now under control". I'm sure you'll think of something better.
Put the chapter titles in your description in bold. Avoid chapters you don't need. For example, if there are no conflicts, then you don't need a paragraph for that. If you must, name the things a user needs to know (Conflicts, License, Contact) as briefly as possible. So instead of explaining how your mod alters the main quest, and a user needs to have Unofficial Oblivion Patch installed and blah blah blah, i recommend the following; instead of all this crap, just have one paragraph named "Other" or "Fine Print" where you will, line under line, briefly name the importnats (- Recommended UOP installed, - No known issues, - Contact: you@gmail.com, - ...). Long readings of stuff that is not content related is not appealing. Don't forget about a short description of your mod. I also recommend a "Features" paragraph, where you should state line under line what this mod does (- Simple On/Off control for your gates, - Kitten friendly, - ...).
And yeah, i totally get your frustration. Sometimes you work really hard and passionately on your project, and people just don't find it hot material. You give them hard work, and in return you want them to at least apprecate it and give some suggestions and constructive criticism. And all you get is a handful of comments, where 69% of them being patch requests. Been there, mate. If you just look at my Friendly Animals mod: simple mod, 4kb download, almost 4k of downloads on Nexus and PES, nearly 60 comments ... i swear, i haven't worked more than 30 minutes overall on it. ICP on the other hand, hundreds of hours put into it. Sure, it has much more downloads and comments, plus 20 pages of forum posts. But in ratio with the energy put into it ... ugh.