SMART is very much related to gameplay. The word I meant to use was hyper realistic, as they do in a recent interview.
And I'm not talking about how to sell Brink, I'm talking about how to increase community and playerbase by adding another gametype that can be simply added to the game, and would be beneficial, since some don't like the concept of objective based missions, and would only be flamed for playing the game like a TDM instead of doing objective.
If my introduction gave you the impression I was slamming the question about TDM that started the discussion, then I wasn't clear. The question that inspired me was one in which the person who asked it seemed to think Brink was all about SMART and that the objective style gameplay wasn't a big deal at all, and really not even worth considering as a determination of why he should buy the game. My point is that it IS the game, it is what Brink is all about
at it's core, and it's what will make Brink fun. All the other stuff will help, obviously it's all a rich tapestry

So that's what this is about, a better understanding of the mode that WILL be there, that's all.
And yeah, I realise I'm biased for
this particular style of objective mode (as oppsoed to say, Rush in BC2), that's kind of the point as well,
it's an explanation of why I am biased.
So yeah, different modes are a different topic, lets not take this thread down that path please because I'm sure there are other threads already about it.