What makes you a Stormcloak? #3

Post » Wed Apr 24, 2013 8:10 pm

I am continuing this thread made by: ColonelKillaBee.


Why do you support the Stormcloaks? The cause, the man behind it, or both? Is it simply because of the beginning of the game, or something else?

And why do you support the Empire?

Or do you support neither?

Note: Please give thoughtful reasons. Puppets and Racists is not a good answer and not accurate.

On my current character, Archie Pelagia, he supports the Empire, because he is Cyrodiil-born and believes that the Empire is still the strongest "domain" there is.
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Marquis T
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Post » Wed Apr 24, 2013 2:10 pm

I have a strong opinion in RL about a government impeding in Religious Freedom. My characters dislike being forced to kneel before the Headsman because an Imperial Legion Commander is too lazy to follow established Policies and Procedures.
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Angelina Mayo
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Post » Wed Apr 24, 2013 11:05 pm

I have a strong opinion in RL about a government impeding in Religious Freedom. My characters dislike being forced to kneel before the Headsman because an Imperial Legion Commander is too lazy to follow established Policies and Procedures.
Ohh boowhoo you can't openly worship Talos. Do it in your basemant like everyone else. It will all pass in time, no reason to rebel. If the Empire was so keen on upholding that law then explain Heimskr in Imperial controlled Whiterun? Besides the Empire isn't upholding this BS law, the Thalmor Justiciar's are.
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Post » Wed Apr 24, 2013 3:24 pm

I oppose the Empire because of the religious oppression, the fact that they support the Thalmor, and the fact that they are dragging their feet instead of fixing their empire and getting the Thalmor out of their countries. They either fix themselves and free the countries from the Thalmor (whom they brought in to begin with) or they'll do it themselves and without the Empire.
Ohh boowhoo you can't openly worship Talos. Do it in your basemant like everyone else. It will all pass in time, no reason to rebel. If the Empire was so keen on upholding that law then explain Heimskr in Imperial controlled Whiterun? Besides the Empire isn't upholding this BS law, the Thalmor Justiciar's are.
We all know about the Talos worshippers they didn't hand over to the Thalmor, and how the Talos worshippers didn't give up the locations of others, and how the Thalmor didn't kill those as well. Bottom line, the Empire only allows itself to worship Talos and causes Skyrim to suffer.
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Post » Thu Apr 25, 2013 12:20 am

When the first thing you see in-game is an Imperial headsman's axe coming for you, you generally form a few opinions there and then. That, and if we're speaking lore-wise Ulfric should be able to destroy pretty much anyone and anything with the thu'um.

EDIT: I also hate Altmer, so you can see why I'd jump at the chance to give them a taste of Wuuthrad :D
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