What makes you think your gun is Worth ?

Post » Wed Mar 02, 2011 1:39 pm

For You , What makes you think your gun is worth for using it.
For me - SCARAB and Hammer with JAW is good enough to use in many situations.

Scarab is my favorite machine gun, Cuz it has medium accuracy (but not higher than SCAR :P) but it has higher rates of fire (more than SCAR). Who cares about accuracy! Just only high rates of fire that could kill you, not the ACCURACY... and that mobility is good enough for assault rifle.

And Hammer, my beloved gun. ^^ I only use it when my primary ammo ran out ! Because, when the scarab ammo ran out. It's could only mean that you use it to shoot your enemies. And then wha ?, Out of ammo! No time to reload while you're in that situation! Use your secondary gun !!!

JAW !?! not many things to describe it! Use it for devastating area assault !

And What's Yours ?
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Lisha Boo
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Post » Wed Mar 02, 2011 5:24 am

You do know its not a scarab right? Its pronounced SCAR-AB, in other words a modified scar variant, all its is is lighter and the shorter barrel means rapid fire, but the developers made it balanced by making it weaker, turn on the rapid fire perk on the original scar, and you'll see which weapon is best, but all in all the OG scar is the dominant gun. The rest is in your head, if you think its better.
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Richus Dude
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Post » Wed Mar 02, 2011 4:33 am

Thanks for reply, man ! But it's just like what you said. I just like it . ha ha... lol
I have played crysis 1 before, and the only gun that make you survived from parts 1-5or6 is FY71 or SMG :D Becuz the Korean loves using this **** gun ! It's a primary weapon for the guy who's smart enough to (adapt, engage and) survive....

But thanks for comment, dude !!! :P
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Krista Belle Davis
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Post » Wed Mar 02, 2011 4:18 am

You do know its not a scarab right? Its pronounced SCAR-AB

Source of how its pronounced please.
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Markie Mark
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Post » Wed Mar 02, 2011 6:14 am

Your joking right? Wow, failure for you to not directly notice the visual similarities, wow, but okay, you don't understand how variants work.


There is no perfect held gun, you add one perk, another gets taken out
-Shorter Barrel, Faster Rate of Fire, less accuracy.
-Shorter stock, better for CqC, more recoil, shortened range.
-Smaller gun, a lot lighter, no real down side. Added mobility
-Damage shouldn't be in an issue between the two, the bullet determines that not the gun.
-Suppressors, bullets are subsonic, making them weaker.

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Ludivine Poussineau
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Post » Wed Mar 02, 2011 3:35 am

There is no perfect held gun, you add one perk, another gets taken out
-Shorter Barrel, Faster Rate of Fire, less accuracy.
-Shorter stock, better for CqC, more recoil, shortened range.
-Smaller gun, a lot lighter, no real down side. Added mobility
-Damage shouldn't be in an issue between the two, the bullet determines that not the gun.
-Suppressors, bullets are subsonic, making them weaker.

you got the right idea, BUT


Longer barrel, better accuracy, longer range, More DMG
Shorter total length
Lighter due to polymers

longer barrel means that more energy gets directed forward and into the bullet before dispersing. so gun does make a difference
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Post » Wed Mar 02, 2011 2:35 pm

There is no perfect held gun, you add one perk, another gets taken out
-Shorter Barrel, Faster Rate of Fire, less accuracy.
-Shorter stock, better for CqC, more recoil, shortened range.
-Smaller gun, a lot lighter, no real down side. Added mobility
-Damage shouldn't be in an issue between the two, the bullet determines that not the gun.
-Suppressors, bullets are subsonic, making them weaker.

you got the right idea, BUT


Longer barrel, better accuracy, longer range, More DMG
Shorter total length
Lighter due to polymers

longer barrel means that more energy gets directed forward and into the bullet before dispersing. so gun does make a difference

But your cheating life, an AUG goes by the bullpup rear clip design, which is awesome but different ,just like the feline, which is essentially a futuristic pistol version of an AUG A3, true a longer barrel means redirecting energy forward, but the second bullet cant load into the chamber until the first one is out of the barrel and "advanced" polymers means decreased life span, and bullet damage would only be noticeable after about 15 meters, between that, damage should be identical noticing how long the clip is and using .20" bullets
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Post » Wed Mar 02, 2011 3:47 pm

Wow ! It's amazing that you guys can discuss about the gun... MAXIMUM WALL of TEXT activated !!!
sorry I'm just a kid (I'm 15), I don't know much about the gun :P I just "played game".. That's it.
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