Don't use power armor so can't answer the question.
Best thing about it is the ability to jump off buildings and not be hurt. That's about it to me.
Hey - I ain't playin' Iron Man.
It depends on what I have unlocked. Right now I have Standard, Flames, Vault-Tec and at least one other one that I can't remember. Right now I use the Flames mod because gives +2 AGI.
I just started using the tesla coils on my X-01. Super disappointed that it didn't add any aesthetic parts to the armor which is the main reason I wanted it, and the actual damage it does to enemies is minimal. I suppose it is kind of cool seeing enemies being shocked by you in close proximity, but it also counters my super sledge that does 2x damage on enemies with full health as the electricity hurts them before my melee weapon can. Hopefully I can grab that jetpack tonight and start roof hopping.
Oh those mods. Well, I would say pick one that benefits your playstyle. I love boosting AP whenever I can because I snipe a lot.
If by material you mean paint job then titanium to increase health.
I rarely use the PA, but when I do, I have the reduced damage from explosions. I can tackle those suicide bombers with barely a scratch in a X-01.
All you need to do to deal with suiciders is hit the right arm, doesn't have to be much, just a pistol shot and they go up in smoke, I love messing with them, great help in clearing out super mutant bases
I'm using the prism coating to beef up the energy resistance, since the weapons that seem to hurt the most even in power armor are things like laser turrets and synths with their institute rifles.
Little disappointed most of the materials don't actually change the default rusty old metal look of the armor though, a nice shine with the prism or solid grey for titanium would be nice.
The Jet Pack addition is ludicrously fun! I've been hopping around downtown Boston with it, and it almost changes the feel of the whole game, in that walled off passages are now mere obstacles, snipers on second and third stories are no longer as hard to reach, and in general, just makes me feel like a Space Marine. This is a good thing.
X-01 with explosive shielding. But I hardly use it. I love running around and actually seeing my character.
Why choose? I keep a little of everything already built and waiting. Got a couple in the flames paint job, two in the shark, one Vault-Tec, a BOS II and BOS V T-60, etc. At least one T-51 is built with the Prism coating. Haven't done the military paint yet, but then I'm not much of a melee fighter.
Seems situational so far, though the titanium coating seems most practical as long as you have the resources available to spare.
I was mostly using Vault-Tec for the Charisma boost but now that I've done all the conversations I'm interested in a switched to the Explosive Shielding because Super Mutants with Rocket Launchers and Fatman launchers still hurt a lot.