I usually make my gold from selling stolen goods.
I usually make my gold from selling stolen goods.
Wiping out bandit camps, ambushing thalmor on the roads and taking out Stormcloak patrols.
1) Do jobs for any faction or hold and return for reward = gold
2) Kill enemy = Loot + Merchant = gold
1 + 2 = more gold
3) Craft armor/ weapons and enchant - Use in combat until can enchant better armor/ weapons and either give old equipment to followers or sell = gold
4) Smith jewelry and sell = gold
The possibilities are endless and worth a couple of mil to my 360 character in land, houses, gems, trophies, equipment and available gold.
Murder. Lots of Murder. Sometimes treasures......that I get from murdering.
If you want to grind, the easiest way is to dungeon dive for a little seed capital, then buy as much iron ore as you can get from every smith, transmute it into gold and make jewelry. If you are sufficiently skilled, enchant with either fortify carry or banish, to really boost the value.
Player.additem 000000f 10000000000000000000000000
I sell the weapons i get in dungeons. The Ebony weapons stack up coin really quickly.
A bunch of Dark Brotherhood Forever missions.+ a Bunch of minor Vex or Delvin Mission at the same time.This combined with -every time i visit a town to rob or assassinate someone i steal/pickpocket as much as possible from as many houses as possible.Of course i won't steal Iron Swords or Steel Helmets to over encumber myself with junk.
I think this is the most effective way to make money in the game.
If you are a virtuous type,dungeon crawling is the only way.
Usually the game just throws it at me for zero effort. "Thank you for taking my grocery list and delivering it". (2000 gold received)
I usually just loot stuff, whether it's enemies or Chests.
Since I got the last unusual gem turned in I just open random containers and sell the ooooodles of gems I find inside!
Now over 900,000 septims and rising!
loot mostly, quests and jobs like selling firewood
this. I'd like for once to actually have to save up for something. Like a 100000 gold house, or crazy ass sword for 1,000,000 gold pieces. I go through a couple of dungeons and have over 5000 gold! it's crazy! I've tried mods but they still seem strange. An iron sword is 100 gold, but an iron ingot is 400?
i make gold by doing quests and also by raiding tombs and sometimes by selling loot.
Enchant found weapons with banish. I can now ignore most loot because weapons with banish on them sell for so much. I just kept all the soul gems with a soul in them until I found banish.
Before that ... looted everything.
give it to my character lol
or give it to charity in skyrim.