My graphics card is an ASUS Radeon HD 7850. I'm assuming that this is just an ASUS version of the AMD Radeon HD 7850; if so, this means that I'm just below minimum specs, as the minimum specs suggest an AMD Radeon HD 7870, if I remember correctly.
Now, I've been playing the game with no real problems for the most part. My core and RAM are way over the minimum values. I'm assuming that either the higher core and RAM specs are making up the difference, or because I'm so close to minimum, the game can run alright despite being just under minimum specs. Either way, the game set everything at medium, and I haven't messed with it at all, as I don't want to fry my system.
The issue is that I want to mod, but I'm worried about what mods I can use, and what ones I should stay away from. For example, I'd like a nvde mod, but I don't know anything about the textures or how they would affect my system. Should I just stay away from all visual mods, period? If there are ones I would be able to use, how do I know that ahead of time?
As it is, I currently have mods that give actual numbers for weapon and armor mods, but that's it. I'm worried about downloading anything else, as I don't want to overtax my system. Any input on what I might be able to use, and what I would want to stay away from, would be welcome.
Also, I do plan to upgrade my graphics card in a few months, so this won't be a concern for the life of the game. It's just something I have to worry about for the short term.