RAM: I have 3.0 GBs (2.75 usable)
I have Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit.
I have a Realtek integrated sound card/
Graphics card is integrated it's an ATI 3200 HD. Total approx memory is 1403.
I have the GOTY edition, so if any of the mods I list have extras for Tribunal/Bloodmoon, I have installed it for them too.
Some of the "bigger" mods that I have are: Morrowind code patch project, Morrowind patch 1.6.4, better bodies, better heads, Morrowind comes alive 5.2, madd leveler, neccesites of Morrowind, Morrowind crafting, scripted spells, vampire embrace, vampire hunger, vampire realism.
I wanted to use some graphic mods so it's a bit better looking, what ones could I use with my specs?
I know it's kind of a general question but I'd just like some people's opinions and what is good for them that I could use.