No-one has mentioned The Curse of the Ring which coincidentally has Max Von Sydow in it. The male protagonist is a bit weak but Kristanna Loken is awesome as the Viking queen. I want to do a mod based on the character.
Only if its teh Barbarian. Conan the Destroyer was to Conan what Oblivion was to Morrowind - decent but second best. Conan the Barbarian is the most epic hard man movie ever.
I've heard Mel Gibson was wanting to direct a Viking movie with Leonardo Dicaprio. It won't be out before Skyrim of course.
Dicaprio as a viking. Only i he beefs up the char he played in Blood Diamond. He was a weedy pretty boy before that movie.
Are you talking about the Christopher Lambert version or the massive piece of $%^& that was the animated version. They completely rubbished a classic hero by turning him into a man who couldn't control himself. Typical Hollywood turning something dear into something sleazy.