Your opinion. The fact is that most Heavy or Death Metal is indeed satanic. Go type it in on google and look at images and you will see upside down pentagrams and five pointed stars and baphomet goat heads. Not trying to be offensive but the truth is the truth. HM music is offensive to me so I don't listen to it but if you do than more power to you.
1. There is nothing inherently bad a bout the pentagram. Christians bastardized the symbol into something it wasn't. Much like they did with most pagan symbols in their fervent crusade to eliminate other religions. And Baphomet? Didn't exist until Christians came along and at that point it was just a Bogeyman used to further demonize pagans and paganism in general. Didn't have much to do with Satanism until the 19th century, at which point it was taken up by satanists.
2. You obviously do not listen to much metal if you believe that is the case. And the band you referenced in particular is hardly satanic. Far from it actually, as paganism has nothing to do with Satanism. Amon Amarth sings about Norse mythology and by extent they sing about Asatru, the neo-pagan faith based around that mythology (hell, even the word mythology can be said to be a Christian word made to further destroy the religions that preceded it, and even if it wasn't, it still doesn't help much), of which I am a part of. So yeah, what you said was massively offensive. My faith has nothing do with Christianities Satan, nor the religion that spun off of him.
And besides, theres nothing wrong with satanism anyway even from a Christian perspective. But hardly has there ever been a Christian who was very tolerant of other religions.
As for this "Amon Amarth?" sorry I never hear of them and I don't know anything about them.
May be you should go learn something then before you start shooting your mouth off?
Not to take such an aggressive tone but I'm one of those pagans who finds themselves fairly bitter against Christianity (because of their actions. The fact that most of my faith had to be reconstructed is evidence of that), and Christians like you are the worse kind to me, because you know nothing and are blinded with irrational hate for other religions. Its like me getting all aggro at the guys I know who mainly pray to the giants in my faith. (which is perfectly acceptable by the way)
Nothing really wrong with what you said but I REALLY hope you know that Paganism is an Extremely peaceful nature worshiping religion, very similar to Wicca. Don't wanna get into a religious debate but yes, Paganism is NOTHING and i mean NOTHING like satanism at ALL. They do not believe in Satan so yeah lol. Just for the information of the readers of this forum and such. Most people think that Pagans are evil or something lol. If you follow there religion right you're not even allowed to harm other people.
This really though as far as that last sentence goes it depends on who you're talking to. I personally see it as if I have to harm any living being (I take nature worship very seriously. If it has life, its sacred, whether its my dog or the grass or the trees or my son and daughter) then I must make that harm something sacred, and I must thank that being for it and put every bit of that being to use. If I were to go and hunt a deer for instance, I would waste nothing, and what I cannot use, I would give a proper burial to. If I must cut down a tree then I must spread its seed in nine places.
Long story short theres really no right or wrong way to be a pagan.