Nothing wrong with the pentagram? Yea well its used in satanic rituals and child sacrerfices in many countrys.
Yeah, and this is a symbol of the sun and eternity. But I bet you'd look at it differently. Doesn't make the symbol bad in of itself however.
There is nothing inherently wrong with the pentagram and as a Satanic symbol its only recently been adopted as such. And FYI, the pentagram had its Christian meanings as well. Represents the Holy Wounds mainly, as well as the five senses.
And besides that, it all depends on who you are talking to. Not every satanist believes in human sacrifice for instance. And rituals are not this "evil" thing you make them out to be unless they actually are evil, in which case you're probably dealing with people who have mental problems, and can't hold religion responsible for the idiotic actions of its followers. Thats why I'd never say Jesus for instance was a bad man or that his ideas were stupid or false despite my bitterness towards his followers.
I laugh at your ignorance. Baphomet goat head has been used in witchcraft all the way back since 300 AD and came from Ancient Babylon pagan God Moloch.
Baphomet and Moloch have nothing to do with each other and even if they do, the only extent is that the latter may have been the inspiration for the former. Doesn't change the fact that Baphomet is a Christian myth made to demonize pagans.
Its all used in satanism to worship the devil.
Yes, because Baphomet is seen as a bestower of knowledge, which is what Satanism (or at least, Theistic Satanism anyway, which is what I have knowledge of) holds as a very core value. Individualism, self-expression, personal responsibility are all values of satanists as well. And would you say those are bad values to have? I doubt it.
Also I'm not a Christian just to let you know and I'm not in any religion.
So why does Satanism bother you? It shouldn't if you're not a Christian, and if it does (and indeed, you're truly not a Christian. Many people say they don't believe in any particular religion (You don't belong to or stand in a religion) but usually they believe in a weak for of Christianity unless they can specifically say they're atheist or agnostic) then its because you don't understand Satanism. As I said, not all of Satanism is about being "evil" and killing babies and all that nonsense.
Hey and I never did mention paganism.
Yeah, but you insulted it.
No I don't believe demons will jump out of oblivion gates and attack with fireballs lmao! I said even if you do not believe it or not I rather not listen to bands screaming satanic lyrics or have satanic images or symbolism in their videos, I'm not into that "SCENE"
For one, only screamo bands actually "scream" their music (unless I've missed the odd band that you couldn't call a screamo band that just screams for no apparent reason) and two if you don't like the music thats your perogative, but don't insult the whole of heavy metal (which isn't all satanic, as we've illustrated) in saying that you don't like that.
If you had said "I don't like music with satanic images or lyrics" there would be little problem other than what saying that had to do with anything in the topic. But as it happens, you instead ignorantly decried most of heavy metal as satanic when thats false, and because it was in response to the OP's original post of Amon Amarth, the insult went onto paganism.
Yes I very much do and they are pagans which makes them not Christian.
False. Freemasonry is not a religion. You can be a Christian Freemason just as much as you can be a Muslim Freemason or an Asatruar Freemason.