help guys
what things should someone who has never played Elder Scrolls need to know about Elder Scrolls ?
but i have played fallout 3 and new vegas and im interested in the new game
There is just so much you need to know about the elder scrolls! It is more than just a game, it is a world, a story. I could not even explain the short version. Please if you want to know more of this wonderful series visit
I can give some advice for you to search for.
First off. The Races of Nirn (Nirn being the planet) learn about the races of tamriel (Tamriel being the continent witch is active in the games)
The searh for the different countries of Tamriel, and after that you can search for the lore. (If your gonna read the lore you need some basic knowlege such as countries and races)
This is what I reccomend! This wont take to long to read, though it will take a bit longer to understand.