Ah, the pure excitement in the announcement of Skyrim. Well, I'm sure everyone has expectations of Skyrim, and their own personal wants. I sure do, but I want to discuss is what went wrong with Fallout: New Vegas, and some issues with Oblivion to better Skyrims development.
I will begin with New Vegas. And as we all probably know it; the game was developed by another development team, I know, however, there are things Bethesda could take note from on that installment. First off, the game was obviously rushed to it's release. Please Bethesda, TAKE YOUR TIME! I would rather see an game (I wish this happened to New Vegas) get delayed from release so the team has time to finish coding and testing to fix bugs and glitches and polish the graphics and such than it being release and immediately having to update and having an bad experience.
Time for Oblivion. The transition from Morrowind to Oblivion was beautiful. The graphics were outstanding and I was impressed. However, I firmly to this date, believe Morrowind was better. It had so much more 'lore' and content to it. Every cave was a puzzle and unique, every book was unique and written with so much more detail. I am the gamer for detail. I read most books, and did ever so much enjoy them in Morrowind. The characters didn't speak, which I actually liked more. It left room for my imagination to take over, and each character had their own personality... it was awesome. Oblivion lacked all of that. And yes, I know, bethesda will never remove the voice to character system. However, was they can improve is:
- More Lore, and Love (<3)
- More content
- More unique dungeons and caves
- More little details
- And please, take out that crappy 'level' system Oblivion has.
I'm losing my sanity over how I excited I am for Skyrim.
Yours Truly,