Okay so how about this? A Fallout world fictionally made, to hit on everything people like. Country themes like goodsprings and black mountian radio. Then a small secluded place like Jacobstown with vegatation and snow capped mountians. You may be thinking wow these are everytyhing we have. This is were it stars to change A beach. Name one person who doesnt like sunshine and the ocean, besides of course your everyday crazies. Then a multi players mode. Kinda of persay like borderlands or Dead Rising 2. Vats would be difficult with this but you could make everything keep moving except for the person in vats mode. Then when they re appear out they are in the same world but they are now tragectied onto the target as they are then and there. The DLC has been great and must stay that way if you would like to keep going in the buisness world. There are endless ideas to hit and you have just struck gold and then stopped! You could have homes you could build and animals to train and fight alongside. Not just a half biological dog trying to protect its owner from a giant ass dinosaur... Last time i checked dinosaurs dont exist. Many people dont like these because no other thing has changed this much what did it come from a squirrel, i could kill a squirrel with a stick but a deathclaw takes a million shots, how about not such various changes like super mutants they are perfect. and Ghouls just the right amount of change you could expect from a post apocalyptic future. Something far out just not to crazy. And guns that are harder to find so people dotn just go look for guns right away and ruin they game. Fallout needs alot more to become an endless game for all comers alike.