What is it now mother?

Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 9:26 am

I was watching the demo video again (BEAUTIFULBEAUTIFULBEATIFUL) and admiring the music when the character enters Riverwood and i was struck when we walked past villagers to hear "A Dragon! I saw a Dragon!" to which someone else replies "What is it now Mother? If you keep on like this everyone in town will think your crazy!"... so i was pleasently suprised to see that there is unique minor dialouge to fit with topics and character situations... the game recognized the two where mother and son so it gave them that specific dialouge... or do you think it was just scripted for the demo?

All parts of the Demo can be found here in HD:

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Dan Endacott
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 12:10 pm

I did get a little flashback to Oblivion where there were also 2 people talking and calling the other by name, even though the actual game doesn't have that at all. Still, Fallout 3 did this (quite a lot in Megaton especially) so I'm expecting it's in Skyrim too.
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 9:05 am


"Stop talking!"

"I saw a couple of dragons down by the water recently. I steered clear of them!"

"By the gods!"

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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 2:52 pm

That made me lol, I was surprised though, it's like they know.... :spotted owl:
I hope it wasn't scripted though, I really do.
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dean Cutler
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 4:04 pm


"Stop talking!"

"I saw a couple of dragons down by the water recently. I steered clear of them!"

"By the gods!"


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Hayley Bristow
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 1:31 am

I think the boy says even more, you can still hear him talking when the player approaches Alvor, really cool. And i hope they will talk about more things, but of course..there will be a limit to it.
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 2:31 pm

Yeah he goes on to say "Everyone in town will think your crazy! And i have better things to do than listen to more of your fantasies!" :D also, in the part where the character is aiming at the bandits in Bleak Falls they start talking about Arvel... "what if Arvel doesnt come back?" and something else... its possible this is scripted since it is part of a quest but still... awesome :D
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stephanie eastwood
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 9:13 am


"Stop talking!"

"I saw a couple of dragons down by the water recently. I steered clear of them!"

"By the gods!"



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carrie roche
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 4:05 pm

Yeah he goes on to say "Everyone in town will think your crazy! And i have better things to do than listen to more of your fantasies!" :D also, in the part where the character is aiming at the bandits in Bleak Falls they start talking about Arvel... "what if Arvel doesnt come back?" and something else... its possible this is scripted since it is part of a quest but still... awesome :D

It remember me of those Super Mutants at the Georgetown Police Station (Big Trouble in Big Town) that discuss about their human hostages. Then one of them triggers an trap and receive a shot.
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Alexandra Louise Taylor
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 11:14 am

Worst marketing plan ever, but how cool would it be to happen across that lady if we didn't know they put dragons in?

We'd all react the same way as the son, thinking that we knew full well TES had only done one dragon prior and likely wouldn't do it in SK. And then boom, a few hours later one ninja's a giant that decided to fight you.
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DAVId Bryant
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 2:08 pm

Already we have an awkward conversation, just like OB. Shouldn't the son have said "What is it now, Mother?" before she said she saw a dragon? The order the conversation is in just doesn't make any sense...
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Chica Cheve
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 4:57 pm

Worst marketing plan ever, but how cool would it be to happen across that lady if we didn't know they put dragons in?

We'd all react the same way as the son, thinking that we knew full well TES had only done one dragon prior and likely wouldn't do it in SK. And then boom, a few hours later one ninja's a giant that decided to fight you.

OMG I WOULD HAVE [censored]IN ironed MY PANTS
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patricia kris
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 5:29 am

I think the dialogue mentioned is scripted around the main quest.
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Richard Dixon
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 1:17 am

Yeah, wish Bethesda had kept their big mouth shut, introduced to us merely 'shouts' (cutting the d word off) and then only when the game releases do we see... wth, OMG DRAGON!??

That would have been cool. You didn't see Bungie hammering on that the Halo was a super weapon designed to sacrifice life so the flood could be wiped out before CE was released.
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Alba Casas
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 6:40 am

Worst marketing plan ever, but how cool would it be to happen across that lady if we didn't know they put dragons in?

We'd all react the same way as the son, thinking that we knew full well TES had only done one dragon prior and likely wouldn't do it in SK. And then boom, a few hours later one ninja's a giant that decided to fight you.

Hopefully someone will pick Skyrim up who hasn't heard of it before will still get this reaction.

P.S. I'm a diviner now! Woohoo!
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 10:06 am

OMG I WOULD HAVE [censored]IN ironed MY PANTS

I love the "word replace" feature of this site! LOL
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Lauren Denman
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 10:08 am

Already we have an awkward conversation, just like OB. Shouldn't the son have said "What is it now, Mother?" before she said she saw a dragon? The order the conversation is in just doesn't make any sense...

No... if he said "What is it now, Mother?" first then that would be stupid because he would be complaining about his mothers rantings even before she bagan to rant, which wouldnt make sense... he's saying it in the a sort of sarcastic, rhetorical way, the same way you would in a real conversation... example... "The Sky is green" "What are you talking about? Your completely mad"...
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Nicole Elocin
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 12:16 pm

Already we have an awkward conversation, just like OB. Shouldn't the son have said "What is it now, Mother?" before she said she saw a dragon? The order the conversation is in just doesn't make any sense...

Yes it does! The woman is making a statement that the son finds typical of her mother so he makes the annoyed conjecture "What is it now?" because the mother evidently says stupid things often. Also the statement "I saw a dragon!" does not have sufficient enough information in it, so the son replies with a question so she can elaborate her story.
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Shianne Donato
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 3:10 pm

AHHHHHH! A dragon.

nonononononono it is lies.
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 1:41 pm

Yeah, wish Bethesda had kept their big mouth shut, introduced to us merely 'shouts' (cutting the d word off) and then only when the game releases do we see... wth, OMG DRAGON!??

That would have been cool. You didn't see Bungie hammering on that the Halo was a super weapon designed to sacrifice life so the flood could be wiped out before CE was released.

They could have called it thu-um and gotten away with it since it's in SK and all that. Pitch us a faint story about the civil war going on, with the leaders on either side prepairing to unlock magic of mass distruction in order to win and it's up to us to stop it somehow.

Still, from a marketing standpoint it's crazy to not talk about dragons. They're so well done, and will probably bring in their own fair share of sales.

Hopefully someone will pick Skyrim up who hasn't heard of it before will still get this reaction.

It'll probably happen. There are enough people out there in the world for a few of them to not have heard about SK, pick it up and for some reason not read the back of the box (:P), buy it, and get scared out of their skins when a dragons finally shows up.

I think it would have meant more to older TES fans though. I mean, a new player would hear dragons and would start expecting some to show up. We would be like "Dragons? Ya, sure. Probably a cliff racer."
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 12:38 am

Worst marketing plan ever, but how cool would it be to happen across that lady if we didn't know they put dragons in?

We'd all react the same way as the son, thinking that we knew full well TES had only done one dragon prior and likely wouldn't do it in SK. And then boom, a few hours later one ninja's a giant that decided to fight you.

It would have been awesome yeah, if that had been the case we'd all been going like 'Wtf...there are dragons in the game? and then hoping to see one...and when he'd near Bleak falls barrow, that we would see the dragon for the first time. Or even better as someone already said...not confirming any dragons and thus not showing them in the video to completely surprise us in the game itself. But if that had been the case...several people who otherwise wouldn;t be interested as much in the game wouldn't have bought it. Two of my friends, they kinda like Oblivion but not like me a hardcoe fan. He;s buying Skyrim for the dragons though, he loves them.

Already we have an awkward conversation, just like OB. Shouldn't the son have said "What is it now, Mother?" before she said she saw a dragon? The order the conversation is in just doesn't make any sense...

True, it's not 100% correct. But it still is damn cool.
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 8:53 am

No... if he said "What is it now, Mother?" first then that would be stupid because he would be complaining about his mothers rantings even before she bagan to rant, which wouldnt make sense... he's saying it in the a sort of sarcastic, rhetorical way, the same way you would in a real conversation... example... "The Sky is green" "What are you talking about? Your completely mad"...

Well of course, she would've had to say something first... But if someone said the sky is green, you would say "What is it now?" I wouldn't, because I'd know what it is now. I already know what he's talking about. If he said "Oh my gosh! Look at that!", then I would say "What is it now?", cause I have no idea what he's talking about.
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Nikki Lawrence
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 3:26 am

Already we have an awkward conversation, just like OB. Shouldn't the son have said "What is it now, Mother?" before she said she saw a dragon? The order the conversation is in just doesn't make any sense...

It makes sense to me. I mean, if my Mother had been riding my case all day or saying crazy things and I went outside to get away like he did. I'd likely react the same way if she came after me.
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 10:01 am


"Stop talking!"

"I saw a couple of dragons down by the water recently. I steered clear of them!"

"By the gods!"


rofl, such bad memories
oh god i hope not
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