Yeah, wish Bethesda had kept their big mouth shut, introduced to us merely 'shouts' (cutting the d word off) and then only when the game releases do we see... wth, OMG DRAGON!??
That would have been cool. You didn't see Bungie hammering on that the Halo was a super weapon designed to sacrifice life so the flood could be wiped out before CE was released.
They could have called it thu-um and gotten away with it since it's in SK and all that. Pitch us a faint story about the civil war going on, with the leaders on either side prepairing to unlock magic of mass distruction in order to win and it's up to us to stop it somehow.
Still, from a marketing standpoint it's crazy to not talk about dragons. They're so well done, and will probably bring in their own fair share of sales.
Hopefully someone will pick Skyrim up who hasn't heard of it before will still get this reaction.
It'll probably happen. There are enough people out there in the world for a few of them to not have heard about SK, pick it up and for some reason not read the back of the box (:P), buy it, and get scared out of their skins when a dragons finally shows up.
I think it would have meant more to older TES fans though. I mean, a new player would hear dragons and would start expecting some to show up. We would be like "Dragons? Ya, sure. Probably a cliff racer."