What is one thing you hate about Skyrim?

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:33 pm

The guilds. They just fall flat. They're the worst thing in this game, by far. And one is there for no reason at all (The Bard's college)

The other ones just have like half a dozen quests.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:06 pm

The people who complain on this board. Everything else about the game is fantastic.
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natalie mccormick
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:35 pm

How there are no separate save folders for each of your characters and your saves are not even named with your characters name, you have to hover over every single file to see which character it belongs to. It would of been nice to see it more organized in the vanilla version.
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Laura Richards
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:33 am

The people who complain on this board. Everything else about the game is fantastic.

Case and point....thanks troll
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Grace Francis
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:48 am

How there are no separate save folders for each of your characters and your saves are not even named with your characters name, you have to hover over every single file to see which character it belongs to. It would of been nice to see it more organized in the vanilla version.

True but this game doesnt have any save corrupt bugs so far or anything so i just keep one save file per character. and unless ur an altoholic it shouldnt matter. i think i keep 2-4 chars. at a time, if i dont like one then id rather remake than save for later.
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Albert Wesker
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:01 pm

I cannot think of one thing I hate about this game. The only thing I've ever hated about a Bethesda game was cliffracers in Morrowind. God, I was tired of them.

Ditto - the beasts were an annoyance, at best. Thank Nerevar for St. Jiub!

The only things that irk me in Skyrim are:

  • Lag
  • Limited graphic control
  • CTD's
  • Combination of leggings and chest-pieces' in armour.
  • Vampire faces
  • Limited Werewolf time

That's about it, really.
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Ana Torrecilla Cabeza
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:40 pm

Broken quests
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Katie Pollard
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:56 pm

Big thing that struck me was the removal of Acrobatics and Athletics. I can see why they would have done it, considering that neither are inherently useful to combat, can gimp your character if you chiefly focus on learning to run faster, and would cause zone-transfer problems if a player had high enough Acrobatics to jump over the walls of a keep.

However, I feel like there could have been huge potential for those skills with the advent of perks. Athletics perks could have allowed you to manage your stamina way better, allowing fighters to throw out wave after wave of power attacks, as well as sprint faster into combat. Acrobatics, on the other hand, could have had perks allowing for aerial attacks, wall jumps, and actual dodging; move or jump out of the way of an enemy attack at the last second, and they'd get staggered. A shame. As you can see, it seems like wasted potential to me.

Only other thing I can think of is how short the guild quest lines are. It's kind of bittersweet that I can become the headmaster of a college or the leader of a clan of proud warriors so easily and quickly. On the other hand, it really does advocate sort of encouragement to do more quests not affiliated with guilds and to go out there and explore, so I could see why it was done.

The removal of unarmed isn't as big of an issue, since perks and enchantments can still make those punches really hurt.
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Cassie Boyle
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:30 pm

The fact that I can collect stacks of bread and cheese but don't get the option to make cheese on toast. I also dislike the fact that there is no brown sauce or mustard. :down:
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Jaki Birch
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:23 am

True but this game doesnt have any save corrupt bugs so far or anything so i just keep one save file per character. and unless ur an altoholic it shouldnt matter. i think i keep 2-4 chars. at a time, if i dont like one then id rather remake than save for later.

Yeah, I have had no save corrupts yet.
It worked fine for my first and second character, but now that I have 5, it's getting a little hectic.
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Lawrence Armijo
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:54 am

Case and point....thanks troll

I assume you are referring to this....
Don't hate Anything. Have a few dislikes.

However, I can say I hate the Bethesda Defense Force trolls.

First, its against forum rules to call other trolls,

Insulting individuals or groups of members and name calling are flames. Any remark that is made to insult or demean another member or group of members will be considered a flame and thus you may receive a warning for it.
Calling people a troll or an apologist for instance can both be considered a flame

I can also say that I was not "trolling" when I posted that. Much like you I don't hate anything in the game, but I have been coming to this board for a long time and I have seen the nay-sayers come and go, they are always a pain, they always complain about the most idiotic of things, and they always go away. So while I love everything about the game that I have experienced so far, I hate [a lot of] the people that post on this board because they do not know what the Beth community is. In general the Beth community is incredibly helpful and very insightful, but the people who will not be here in a months time are not, they are the trolls, the flamers, the dredges of the internet that will soon disperse and leave these forums with the helpful people who will take your complaints and walk you through possible fixes for them. So yes, I stand by my statement, and again, calling people a troll for not trolling is just bad form.
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kristy dunn
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:09 pm

Hmm, one thing I HATE?

The level scaling definitely.

Its better than it was in Oblivion, but its still bad.
IMO they should remove level scaling completely.

Lack of level scaling makes the game linear. You are forced to follow the main quest or Mages/Fighter's guild quests or else you'll end up facing something to hard for you. Also if you finished say the main quest first then did the Fighter's, 3/4 of the questline would be way too easy, and thus boring. Level scaling is necessary. However, in Oblivion it was way overdone leading to the game feeling completely unrealistic. Bandits wore leather armour when you were at level 5, then daedric when you were level 30?? Skyrim is trying its best to have some level scaling to avoid the game being completely linear, but is toning it down so the world doesn't feel like its completely revolving around you, like Oblivion.
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Javaun Thompson
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:49 pm

The Interface.
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Katey Meyer
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:02 pm

The lack of the disabling option for auto-aim with bows.
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JD bernal
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:47 pm

Lack of level scaling makes the game linear. You are forced to follow the main quest or Mages/Fighter's guild quests or else you'll end up facing something to hard for you. Also if you finished say the main quest first then did the Fighter's, 3/4 of the questline would be way too easy, and thus boring. Level scaling is necessary. However, in Oblivion it was way overdone leading to the game feeling completely unrealistic. Bandits wore leather armour when you were at level 5, then daedric when you were level 30?? Skyrim is trying its best to have some level scaling to avoid the game being completely linear, but is toning it down so the world doesn't feel like its completely revolving around you, like Oblivion.

You are in the.minority when it comes to level scaling.
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Latino HeaT
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:10 pm

I hate the way my companion and dog just stand there when I backtrack and block me more then mobs do.
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Suzie Dalziel
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:51 pm

I like the game, I really do. But as usual, there are things that cut down my enjoyment, things that could have been prevented, or fixed in future updates. First of all, I love the world, but this IS a Bethesda game, so they aren't getting any points there from doing what is already expected of them. It is the areas they could have improved, that disappoint me. Namely:

Characterization/story is as bad as ever
Balance is as absent as ever
Level scaling is still there, but disguised
Underdeveloped followers/main quest characters
Lack of consequences and choices related to quests
Cities are still rather empty
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roxanna matoorah
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:43 am

PS3 Lag. This is definitely the worst thing in Skyrim & as well minor glitches. :brokencomputer:
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JUan Martinez
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:27 pm

Lack of level scaling makes the game linear. You are forced to follow the main quest or Mages/Fighter's guild quests or else you'll end up facing something to hard for you. Also if you finished say the main quest first then did the Fighter's, 3/4 of the questline would be way too easy, and thus boring. Level scaling is necessary. However, in Oblivion it was way overdone leading to the game feeling completely unrealistic. Bandits wore leather armour when you were at level 5, then daedric when you were level 30?? Skyrim is trying its best to have some level scaling to avoid the game being completely linear, but is toning it down so the world doesn't feel like its completely revolving around you, like Oblivion.

So instead of getting dungeons that are unique and individualized because certain enemies that are way beyond what you can handle are there, we get copy
pasted ones everywhere that all have the same thing.

Go in the dungeon, follow the railroad to the end, get the chest leave, repeat infinity in every dungeon.

I wander in a dungeon instead of thinking, boy i hope this place isnt way out of my level, i think, oh more bandits,
let me get to the end and get the chest, nothing to see here.

Instead of running into places you cant handle and thinking, ill level up and come back here later and see whats here, its hey lets go everywhere
at level 1, cause nothing of any importance or excitement is anywhere cause theyre all the same.
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Antony Holdsworth
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:59 pm

The Interface.

Oh wow. Thanks for reminding me!

Yeah, I actually legitimately despise the way the menu's work. Not how they look, no. They are just so clunky and dumb and blakdghlaksghaugh.

For one thing, they hate the mouse. Clicking on a sub-category of a shopkeeper's stock causes me to mysteriously leave the shop window for whatever reason. Half the time, I click on a speech item and somehow end up saying something different because the item is highlighted wrong. I can't read other books in my inventory after I've read one thanks to the mouse losing all control of the menu. What the hell?

Then there's space distribution and information. Do we really need 7/8ths of the screen space to have a pretty 3d model of the item we're looking at? It only serves to solve a specific type of puzzle involving tombs and symbols. And that's it. That space could've easily been used for perhaps an easier way to look at, oh, I don't know, your health and other stats? A model of your character? Your level? Better information on your attack power, current effects, and armor rating without restricting it to a tiny bar at the bottom of the screen?

And then there's the partitioning of information. Why do I need to unpause to switch from the item menu to the spell menu in the case I accidentally chose wrongly? Why is my journal separate from the rest of my menu options? Why can't it be a big, happy menu like what we got in Oblivion or Morrowind? Granted, I don't want it crashing like it did in Oblivion, but whatever, times have changed, it could probably be way more stable now.

The design clearly had consoles in mind. If it had an easier way to switch between sections of menu, better mouse interactivity, or maybe perhaps just switched to an older menu type, then I'd be so very happy.
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Brandon Wilson
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:36 pm

What I hate?

When I am in first person, doing first person things, and the game goes into slow-mo to show me executing my enemies.

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Laurenn Doylee
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:59 pm

Killing everything in a dungeon in 2-3 hits, except for one opponent that takes 20+ hits to kill and is able to kill ME in 2-3 hits if I screw up. I don't get how this is supposed to be A) fun or B) some kind of a simulation of some medieval world.

At the moment I would happily accept either, but 'random guy with 1000 health and 50+ damage' just makes NO sense whatsoever.

Bethesda are just stupid. I have no other explanation for this. They do not play their own games, they do not give a crap about the most basic facets of an RPG like combat.
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Kayleigh Williams
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:24 am

The fans.

I'll add to that, the PC fan boys (you know who you are) that think they are on a mission from god to put down people who don't have a PC or just don't want to play on one.
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Steve Bates
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:07 am

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Carolyne Bolt
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:31 pm

The repetitive dialogue. I hate the way NPC's shout the same 5 lines at me whenever I walk near them. Like how every time I go to sell some of my potions to Acadia, she asks if I have a case of the rattles. NO, NO I DO NOT HAVE RATTLES! Shut up and buy my potions! Nearly every NPC I go near frequently does the same thing. "I'd be a lot warmer and a lot happier with a belly full of mead". "Shiny trinkets for your good laaadyyyy." "Ya know what's wrong with Skyrim? Everyone's obsessed with death." I have heard all these spouted at me as I sprint by at least 50+ times. I know that these things are supposed to help the world feel more alive, but it just makes me think that everyone's insane. How about instead, we make the marketplaces a little more crowded and add some ambient pvssyr? Sometimes I quicksave then kill all these people for fun. Just so I can feel a little bit better the next time I see them.

Yes, I'm bothered by the other usual things. Mainly UI and the how weak destruction magic is, but I hadn't seen the dialogue mentioned yet. And please, don't get me wrong, I absolutely love this game, but that's not what this thread is about now is it?
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