What is one thing you hate about Skyrim?

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:50 pm

gamebreaking lag (ps3)

This.This.This.This.This!!! :ahhh:
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Isaiah Burdeau
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:01 pm

I can't stay away from Whiterun Hold.

Sometimes I travel to Riften/Windhelm for a day, then I get tired and want the Whiterun countryside back... So yeah.
Almost 100 hours in and 95% of it spent around Whiterun.


I finally traveled to Solitude a few days ago and got an extensive look at it and fell in love, but Whiterun is just.. home. I literally cannot leave for more than a few days.
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Chloe :)
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:07 am

That there's only one Blackreach.

Dear god, that was the greatest dungeon I've ever seen.
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josh evans
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:04 pm

it is using up so much of my time
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Robert Jackson
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:04 pm

Killing everything in a dungeon in 2-3 hits, except for one opponent that takes 20+ hits to kill and is able to kill ME in 2-3 hits if I screw up. I don't get how this is supposed to be A) fun or B) some kind of a simulation of some medieval world.

At the moment I would happily accept either, but 'random guy with 1000 health and 50+ damage' just makes NO sense whatsoever.

Bethesda are just stupid. I have no other explanation for this. They do not play their own games, they do not give a crap about the most basic facets of an RPG like combat.

You know...

That's called a boss battle, the oldest layout in RPG dungeon-delving. You have small fry, and you have a boss that is much stronger than the small fry. Have you never seen this before? Is this the first RPG you've ever played?
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Joey Avelar
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:43 am

That it doesn't take into account that there are only 24 hours in a real life day.
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luis dejesus
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:10 pm

:flamethrower: steam

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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:04 am

Couple things i hate in Skyrim:

The fact pc users were told of a pc UI and we got the same as a console one,how they managed to botch this thing is beyond me,after all the flak they got from Oblivion UI i always had a faint hope of getting a polished UI for the pc version.....didn't happened.
Poor optimization for the pc version (Yes,i know its a costume thing by now at launch but that doesn't justify it) and the lack of those "face melting textures" Todd himself said we were gonna get.

#Edited# it for this,how could i forgot about this...the fact that we have to use Steam and be connected on the Internet to play a single player game....that is beyond me,i know all that DRM talk,but lets face it,no DRM works,not even on consoles,let alone on the pc,so why do they keep pushing things down our throat that we dont want?That was one of the reasons i skipped GTA4,but lets leave the LIVE talk for another time.

Mainly that,the level scalling doesnt bother me much as it did on Oblivion,and haven't run into any of those bugs that plague the people on the pc issues forum here,luckily for me,going at lv 44 now and loving it,as always Bethesda gave us a diamond of a game in raw form that were gonna have to polish into that awesome game ourselves.
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Katie Louise Ingram
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:55 pm

One thing I hate about Skyrim: All the men you can marry are ugly, especially when compared to the amount of women that you can marry who are not that bad looking. At least five of those women own property that you can move into, only one man owns property, and it's in squalor in Windhelm.
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Soku Nyorah
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:11 pm

Don't know if it's been said but what I hate (by comparison to fallout 3 i guess) is that you can't whip out the one really powerfull weapon (think fat man) when a far tougher enemy is attacking you.
Just like when 20 people are attacking you, you can't go blam blam blam with a shotgun.

I wish I had a magic that would use all my magica but really do some serious damage, or the odd arrow that's like a rocket launcher.

I've spent alot of skyrim with healing in one hand and a 20dmg weapon in the other, only to keep running away to heal then comming back for more. Kind puts me off skyrim :-(

Do prefer the satisfaction of crippeling a deathclaw with a bottlecap mine even if I'm not leveled up enough to take them on, kill em' with tacktics and all that. SORRY I know skyrim isn't fallout.
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Javier Borjas
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:56 pm

That there's only one Blackreach.

Dear god, that was the greatest dungeon I've ever seen.

THIS. I've never been so impressed by a "single" area in a Bethesda game before.

- The forums. There are some genuinely good people here, but I've sat through what feels like people bawling about the same things for years and years now. Yes, we know you hate fast travel, the quest compass, level scaling, not catering to your exact specifications, any game that's not Morrowind and so on. You do not have to make a new thread on this if you don't see one on the first page at the moment. Also, stop making freaking polls.

Not "hate" but "minor annoyances"
- The loud thumpthumpthumpthump you get at low health. Modern developers (not just Bethesda!) assume people are all incapable of keeping an eye on their health bar, so they do stupid things to let you know you're in danger. Thankfully that's all Beth does - other developers do things like blur the screen, slather stupid effects over it, etc. Still kind of irritating, and I wish I had the PC version just so I could remove that damn noise.
- Some weird statistical goofs. Things like Ancient Nord armor being worse than the default Wolf Armor the Companions get. If you've gone through the entire questline, the armor you receive at the end had damn well be better than the one you get at the end of Mission 1. Not all that hard to fix, really.
- Lack of a "General" perk category with things that don't fit anywhere else. Extra Carry Weight should not be in Pickpocket. In fact, remove that and give me something like Fallout 1/2's Pack Rat, where it had three ranks of 50lb/ea.
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Jacob Phillips
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:04 pm

these forums :3

i've had random NPCs run up to me twice while i was in combat and trigger dialogue, which pissed me the hell off. the interface took some getting used to but i'm generally fine with it, though i feel like there could be a bit more keyboard functionality in it (like a quicksearch or something).

i think more than anything is the fact that wolves and spiders and [censored] still spawn along the main roads and make it impossible to ride a horse from point A to point B without getting off and killing them with no effort at all. hell, my horse generally takes [censored] out before i even regain control after dismounting. i don't care so much about MOUNTED COMBAT but having so many hostile spawns doing nothing but impeding your progress is dumb as hell.

also most of the puzzles are stupid wastes of time but the dwemer puzzles are [censored] GREAT and there should've been more [censored] like that. LIGHT REDIRECTION isn't really new or original in any way but it still generally involves more thought than "look at the shapes and match them up". [censored] even just "find the missing x and fix the y to proceed" would be nice.

on the other hand, the dragons are great, the level design is great, the writing is great, and it hasn't crashed or locked up on me once in forty hours of playing even though i'm running it on ridiculously substandard hardware. combat feels pretty good, though i feel like they could've done more with the interplay between your stamina and your actions.

the College of Winterhold ended kind of weakly but there were three fantastic dungeon crawls. the main quest was solid throughout. Alftand/Blackreach/Mzark was [censored] incredible. i haven't touched on the Civil War yet but everyone seems equally [censored] so that's a plus. i haven't even really been to Windhelm or Riften or Markarth for any meaningful amount of time, spending most of the game so far between Whiterun and Solitude.

overall i'm pretty happy.

ed i have to reiterate how [censored] good Alftand/Blackreach/Mzark was. it was my first Dwemer ruin in Skyrim and it brought back so much of what i'd felt through my first Dwemer ruins in Morrowind coupled with a sense of wonder for the Dwemer culture that i didn't understand back when Morrowind was new to me. i mean i spent like half an hour in the tiny little storage tower at the bottom of the canyon before i realized where i was actually supposed to be.

the little excavation story told through all the notes and corpses was great, too, and reading all the research notes about Dwemer ruins in Skyrim. i was speechless when i first saw Blackreach and spent ages just walking around completely disregarding the fact that i was probably supposed to do something somewhere, and when i got to the Tower of Mzark i felt genuinely disheartened that there were so many unreadable books there because they were DWEMER books. i still wound up taking one just to have.

also also i [censored] hate the eye adaptation speed and how sensitive it is. the HDR in this game is awful, which svcks because it was great in Fallout.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:31 pm

Guild Quest lengths is my biggest pet peeve so far with the game but other then that I'm loving the game.
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Chloe :)
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:08 pm

How there are no separate save folders for each of your characters and your saves are not even named with your characters name, you have to hover over every single file to see which character it belongs to. It would of been nice to see it more organized in the vanilla version.

I hate this too. It was the same way in Morrowind. The same way in Oblivion. I thought that by now they would have changed this. It makes it so much more difficult to play different characters, or styles at the same time. I just know I would save over the wrong characters files. They need to offer a patch with at least the choice to do this in the options menu. (X360)
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:20 am

Call of Duty in a big copy pasted world.

The fact they repackaged Oblivion with different lighting effects and resold 3.5 million copies
of it 6 years later.

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Ebony Lawson
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:06 pm

Definitely level scaling. I'm glad it isn't as bad as it was in Oblivion, yet it is still pretty irritating.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:53 pm

One thing I hate about Skyrim: All the men you can marry are ugly, especially when compared to the amount of women that you can marry who are not that bad looking. At least five of those women own property that you can move into, only one man owns property, and it's in squalor in Windhelm.

Yea it's kind of hit or miss with the male NPCs. Kinda wish we had more options, most of the very attractive male NPCs we can't actually wed.

Most of my characters end up with http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Romlyn_Dreth. :wub:
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Taylor Tifany
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:06 am

The lack of the creation kit,or any news on whether it will be released this decade.

But besides that: there's not enough race dialogue. I want the world to KNOW what race you are a little more.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:09 pm

LoL! I know what you mean. My GF allows me a set amount of time to play each day and that time flys by with me getting little accomplished in the game. Like yourself I find myself glancing at the clock and cussing because 2 hours flew by when it only felt like 30 minutes.

You have other problems, if you let your girlfriend set a time for you to play video games. I hate how people try to compare Skyrim to Morrowind as if they expected a carbon copy of Morrowind and not a new game.
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Betsy Humpledink
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:39 pm

I can't stay away from Whiterun Hold.

Sometimes I travel to Riften/Windhelm for a day, then I get tired and want the Whiterun countryside back... So yeah.
Almost 100 hours in and 95% of it spent around Whiterun.

Alright! I definitely spend most of my time around Whiterun.

The single thing I hate? Definitely the lag on the PS3. It is definitely as bad as people make it out to be. At least, for me it is, sometimes. No, not always, but it shouldn't ever happen. And it does. I can't use Windsprint because it lags terrrrrribly.
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Mylizards Dot com
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:17 am

Do these forums count? On occasion, I don't remember why I bother checking in most days.

Let's see.. something to hate..


Well, I cannot really think of anything off-hand, but that one Redguard from Whiterun, the snob, needs to disappear.
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Mrs shelly Sugarplum
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:07 am

the lies they told us to sell this product and then say nothing when its broken

reminds me of that war!! IraQ was it?
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:16 am

The repetitive dialogue. I hate the way NPC's shout the same 5 lines at me whenever I walk near them. Like how every time I go to sell some of my potions to Acadia, she asks if I have a case of the rattles. NO, NO I DO NOT HAVE RATTLES! Shut up and buy my potions! Nearly every NPC I go near frequently does the same thing. "I'd be a lot warmer and a lot happier with a belly full of mead". "Shiny trinkets for your good laaadyyyy." "Ya know what's wrong with Skyrim? Everyone's obsessed with death." I have heard all these spouted at me as I sprint by at least 50+ times. I know that these things are supposed to help the world feel more alive, but it just makes me think that everyone's insane. How about instead, we make the marketplaces a little more crowded and add some ambient pvssyr? Sometimes I quicksave then kill all these people for fun. Just so I can feel a little bit better the next time I see them.

Yes, I'm bothered by the other usual things. Mainly UI and the how weak destruction magic is, but I hadn't seen the dialogue mentioned yet. And please, don't get me wrong, I absolutely love this game, but that's not what this thread is about now is it?

Every time I walk by the guy bemoaning Skyrim, I just can't help but think about all the little bugs I have encountered. It is like Bethesda put someone in the game to constantly be reminding you of Whats wrong with Skyrim.
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Matthew Aaron Evans
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:19 am

Do these forums count? On occasion, I don't remember why I bother checking in most days.

Let's see.. something to hate..


Well, I cannot really think of anything off-hand, but that one Redguard from Whiterun, the snob, needs to disappear.

Agreed I blame it on the Morrowind elitists, the new Oblivion elitists, and in general the whiners.
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Katie Pollard
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:40 pm

playing of PC mind you, and I play BF3 on ultra w/ friends often.

Game looks terrible, textures are horrendous, game has mad jagged meshes and could benefit from tessellation. IDK why its soo hard to make high res textures and just scale them down...I understand the game was probably mostly developed before DX11 was huge but now MOST could take advantage of it. IMO they should have opted for a better engine, imaging Unigine...or if cryengine 2 had DX11 (dreams *crys*)...

other than visuals which are atrocious, game is fine imo. Yeah its an RPG, who cares what it looks like but visuals are for consoles and UI is for consoles. NEEDS PC UI and hi res textures...
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