What is one thing you hate about Skyrim?

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:32 am

Has boats but no boat travel (like carriages). I plan on making a mod to fix this issue.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:04 am

Only 2 complaints, here.

As a PS3 user, the load times are absolutely horrendous. If I get my new video card for christmas, I'm re-buying it for the PC mostly for this reason.

The gold limit on vendors is too low for the amount of loot I haul out of dungeons.

Other than that everything is amazing.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:31 pm

I don't hate anything. The only thing I dislike are the crashes, but in the upcoming patches, they'll fix most of the crashes.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:52 pm

this is a great game with no horrible flaws, but with a game this big there are always going to be some things that are rather annoying
1.Dialogue: a lot of the npcs will only speak to you in a one-way, one sentence "conversation"-this becomes especially annoying when it is a comment that invites further inquiry or is repeated way too often ie.-"i used to be an adventurer like you then i took an arrow in the knee" or a statement that is totally out of context- a kid saying they're not scared of a hulking warrior wearing full daedric armor or a guard taunting the thane of whiterun, a high ranking member of the imperial legion, and the dragonborn "what, did someone steal your sweetroll?"-not to mention they will be on your @ss in 2 seconds if you steal a sweetroll and someone reports it
2.Water: you cant fight underwater, you can fall into water at any height and avoid injury-i jumped off the top of the college of winterhold into 5 feet of water and was fine, and a few times they forgot to program the water so it looks like you are swimming through thin air
3. Dragons: i find dragon slaying gets a little too easy once a high level melee character gets dragonrend-i can kill most dragons with a couple hits-i know i can change the difficulty but i dont want to do that every time i fight a dragon as i like the current dificulty level in all other aspects of the game-i just find that it takes a lot away from the immersion if you can kill a dragon in a couple hits
These things take away from the immersion of a game that is probably the most immersive i have played- again i love this game but it does have a few problems
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:27 pm

The only thing I really dislike is that it's multiplatform and I'm a pc-gamer - I hate that you can't do more than one thing at the time and the stupid console menu stuff.

I'd like to be able to look at my skills/journal/map or anything while I'm slowly dragging myself to the closest vendor while being heavily encumbered, it actually bothers me a lot that it's a console game :/
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:42 pm

I don't like all the haters. Some people need to learn when to stop complaining.

In the actual game I only had a problem with removing some things and the guilds.
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Katie Louise Ingram
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:41 pm

I hate 3 things:

1. No levitation. (I knew this would be out, but I still hate it)
2. Everybody and their mother is an "essential NPC" that will never die and continue attacking you for eternity.

3. But the thing I hate the most... YOU CAN'T MARRY HROKI.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:41 pm

I wouldn't say these are things I hate, but they are minor annoyances:

1. Not being able to marry anyone in the Thieves' Guild. Vex? Brynjolf? Come on, Bethesda!

2. Not being able to be a bard. There's a bloody college for it; it's practically a guild!

3. The world map not really functioning as a map. It's pretty, but not very useful in my opinion.

That's about it, I think.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:22 pm

1. Mage quest dungeon where you're drained 100% of mana before every single fight. (Viciously tedious.)
2. The same dungeon having a boss who 2-shots me with insta-lock insta-hit lightning bolts. (I survived 5-6 minutes against him one attempt, widdling him down to 95% health remaining.)
3. Worst pathfinding in gaming. (Stand on a rock to defeat melee opponents, then be confused while your Atronach is still in the previous room with her arm raised.)
4. Clicks selecting something completely different than what was clicked.
5. Mouse clicks canceling out of menus instead of selecting the nearby word.
6. ...#5 combined with the NPC dialog where you have to hand him gear for him to sneak inside for you. (Had to do this one naked on my non-mage character.)
7. Stealth being so overpowered that the game is dull because it feels like the enemy AI was turned off.
8. Difficulty always comes in the form of more HP and damage, rather than any deep interplay between my abilities and my opponent's.

Sorry I never took math in school (how many is 1 again?)

Some less significant issues:
A. Followers love traps.
B. Lopsided perk balance.
C. An anti-magic defense spell...that stuns me when I block a spell with it!? Why...?
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