Dragone Age 2
Have a guy named Hawke eaten by a Dragon.
Hell yes! Show what a pathetic and worthless "hero" that schmuck was. Also, rip on the name;
Skyrim shows what a
real age of dragons is like!
An Assassin's Creed reference. An assassin tries to kill you, and if you get him to a quarter of his health, he runs away, jumps off a high area, and kills himself on a pile of rocks covered in hay.
And if they don't have a MLP reference SOMEWHERE I'll be :sadvaultboy:
I'd like to find the corpse of some dude in gaudy white robes lying dead on the ground right next to a bale of hay...but
The Witcher 2 already did that.
As for MLP, I could live without seeing more of that pasted anywhere.