You see, I'm in a bit of a bind. As much as I would like to see aspects of Renaissance Italy, a Medieval France, a developing Germany and Victorian Britain, I would have great diffculting holding down a job, conversing or even enjoying the aspects of bits of history that I want to see. Even going back 40 years, I will be in big trouble due to race. There is NO TIME in the past where I would rather live than this one. Sure, there are facets that I find rather interesting academically - like sailing a square rigged ship, digging for bog iron, touring the Empire and quashing native idealist beneath my jackboot of gunpowder and steel but to actually live there? With what I know now? Its almost an invitation to get thrown in jail, executed for treason, being snubbed for not having the right skin colour, speaking funny or the right sort of breeding. Sure, I'm an absolute goldmine for some very basic concepts which have yet to come about but to me, life without piped hot water and soft toilet paper is not a life worth living.
you do realize that history occurred all over the world not just europe? :tongue: if you black why not visit the nubian kingdoms or the zulu warriors. if your asian their history goes back even further than northern europes. the cradle of western civilization was in the mediteranean which consisted of whites, arabs, persians, blacks, etc.
personally i would love to spend some time with the vikings and the ancient greeks (romans are just copy cats who stole their ideas from greece). first on my list would be a visit to the island of lesbos purely for academic purposes to see if history is accurate or not.

in the end though i would only survive for about a week or so because i would get internet withdrawal. and of course i dont want to miss mass effect 3 and the witcher 2 and there was another game coming out this year that im blanking on right now.........hmmm